20-08 Sheriff’s Department Public Comment 1-800 Line




Unit Order:



Effective Date:




Sheriff’s Department Public Comment 1-800 Line



MPP 3-04/010.05 Procedures For Department Service Reviews



The purpose of this order is to define the procedures by which Sheriff’s Information Bureau (SIB) assists Department members and outside agencies with requests for public commendations and complaints during non-business hours and holidays.



SIB is responsible for formally documenting public commendations and complaints during non-business hours and holidays.  This is facilitated directly through the Department’s general phone lines, the Internal Affairs Bureau’s 1-800 phone line, or when members of the public request assistance in person at the SIB lobby.



The Watch Commander Service Comment Report (WCSCR) was developed as our process to accommodate public comments as directed by state mandates.  Every law enforcement agency is required to have a public comment system and ours includes the 1-800 phone line. 


The public comment process is an integral part of the Department’s efforts to work efficiently and more importantly, it provides feedback from the public regarding the quality of work that is provided by the Department and its personnel.


  1. SIB personnel will follow the procedures outlined in the LASD “SCR Handbook: Handling Public Complaints.”  In particular, Section I- “Intake and Classification - Watch Commander’s SCR.”
  2. SIB will assist all members of the public without delay in documenting all commendations and complaints presented to them.
  3. The shift sergeant should conduct the required inquiry and completion of a Watch Commander SCR form.  Each completed form shall be placed in the SIB captain’s secretary’s inbox.
  4. If a sergeant is not immediately available, deputy personnel shall assist the reporting party (RP) in documenting their comments.
  5. After completing the SCR, provide the reporting party with the SCR number.  Advise the RP they will receive a letter by mail acknowledging the comment.  If the comment is taken in person, the RP shall be given the green copy of the SCR form and a copy of the document, “Procedures for Public Complaints.”
  6. The 1-800 phone line is a recorded line.  When speaking to an individual regarding a complaint, the RP should be informed of the recorded conversation.  If the RP requests not to be recorded, conduct the conversation on a different phone line.


SIB personnel will be responsible for answering the 1-800 phone line between the hours of 1700 and 0900 hours Monday through Friday, and all day on weekends and holidays.  Instructions on how to forward the calls to either the Internal Affairs Bureau or SIB are located on the desk with IAB complaint phone line in the Operations Center.