Logging Community Relations Contacts

DATE:    March 16, 2016

FROM:    CURTIS A. JENSEN, CAPTAIN          TO:    ALL PERSONNEL                                                                                NORWALK STATION                                    NORWALK STATION




The purpose of this directive is to ensure all personnel are actively participating in Norwalk Station’s Community Partnership Program and inputting the proper clearance (755) at the conclusion of citizen contact.


This order shall apply to all personnel working field assignments in the Reporting Districts of Norwalk, La Mirada, and, Unincorporated Whittier, including station volunteers.


The Community Partnership Program is a collaborative effort between Norwalk Station and the citizens of the areas we serve, to reduce crime and improve the quality of life.  Individuals who live, work, or otherwise have an interest in our communities, are a valuable resource for identifying public concerns.

It is Norwalk Station’s mission to educate the public on personal safety issues, how to report suspicious activities, and how to properly secure their homes/property.  To that end, all field personnel should make regular attempts to initiate social contacts with citizens and document the contact in the MDC system with a clearance code of 755 (community relations).


  • Field personnel shall engage in regular, social contact with citizens regarding public safety issues or individual concerns.
  • Field personnel shall provide the citizen with a “755” card containing safety tips and important phone numbers.
  • Field personnel shall utilize the 755 clearance code in both “obs,” self-initiated activities, or regular calls for service.


  • Sergeants shall conduct re-current briefings on the Community Partnership Program.
  • Sergeants shall ensure the proper codification has been entered when reviewing the Deputy Daily Worksheets
  • Sergeants shall ensure field personnel maintain a supply of “755” cards in their patrol vehicles.

Examples of instances when handing out “755” cards are appropriate:

  • Speaking to community groups
  • Contacting residents who are out (watering lawn, walking dog, etc.) while doing routine patrol
  • During contact with business owners
  • Contacting patrons of local coffee shops/restaurants
  • Bring the “Block watch meetings to them” as an individual or group
  • Station events where citizens are welcome
  • When taking counter reports