2-01/080.00 - Equipment Control


This order is established to ensure proper maintenance, control and availability of AR-15s, Tasers, shotguns, stun-bag shotguns, and any specialized weapons stored in the armory.

The Watch Sergeant shall be responsible for maintaining control and security of the armory.  A Weapons Inventory Sign-Out sheet has been established to record the issuance of each of the above items per shift.  The Watch Sergeant or his designee, shall be responsible for determining that all items have been properly signed out or are present in the armory.   


Each AR-15 is stored in a black canvas zippered bag.  Attached to the bag handle is the serial number of the enclosed rifle.


Each shotgun has been assigned a Malibu/Lost Hills station number.  The number is located on the shotgun stock.  Shotguns will be kept in the corresponding numbered slot in the station armory.


Each Taser is stored in a black plastic case.  Each Taser has been assigned a Malibu/Lost Hills Station number.  The number is located on the case and the Taser.


Each stun-bag shotgun is stored in a black/yellow canvas case.  Each stun-bag shotgun has been assigned a Malibu/Lost Hills Station number.  The number is attached to the stock of the stun-bag shotgun and the case. 


On coming deputies will contact the Watch Sergeant, or his designee, to obtain an AR-15, shotgun, Taser, or stun-bag shotgun prior to going on shift from those available in the armory.  The serial numbers of the items issued shall be entered in the deputy’s MDC log and on the Weapons Sign-Out sheet.  The Watch Sergeant shall sign the Weapons Inventory Sign-Out sheet in the appropriate location indicating his/her approval that all weapons are accounted for during their shift.  The Watch Deputy shall conduct a mid-shift armory inventory and report the findings to the Watch Sergeant. 

With the exception of an emergency (998, tactical situation, containment, etc.), no exchange of weapons will occur in the parking lot between shifts.  If a weapon is to be passed from one shift to the next, the deputies and weapon will be presented to the Watch Sergeant and the transaction properly recorded on the Weapons Inventory Sign-Out sheet. 

When going off duty, deputies will advise the Watch Sergeant of the items being returned to the station armory.