Unit orders have been promulgated to provide station personnel with a clear understanding of the expected actions and behavior deemed necessary for the proper functions of the Lost Hills Station. Any conflict that may arise between these orders and departmental orders, directives, procedures etc., shall be resolved by adherence to the higher departmental orders.
Each unit order will indicate a station order number and a subject title. The purpose of the order will be stated along with the policy or procedure.
Unit orders will be maintained by the sergeant responsible for Manuals and Orders. They will be located in the station's computerized share files and published on the Departments Policy Archival and Retrieval System (PARS). In addition, each new station order will be distributed as follows: captain, patrol lieutenants, detective lieutenant, patrol sergeants, briefing board, and station narcotics unit.
All Station personnel have the obligation to familiarize themselves with, and periodically review, these orders.