Contain and evacuate the location of occurrence (Building, area, etc.).
Do not allow anyone to enter the bomb blast area, or touch any blast debris, (This is evidence.)
Maintain a large enough perimeter to avoid exposure to any toxic substance(s) that may have been released as a result of the blast.
Remember “SIN”: Safely, Isolate and Notifications.
Be careful of secondary devices, designed to eliminate emergency response personnel.
Attempt to identify/locate/isolate any informants, witnesses, suspects, etc.
Request that LA County Fire immediately respond to a safe area adjacent to the blast location. Paramedics will treat the injured, and if needed, will request additional Fire resources. (They will also notify County Health Hazardous Materials personnel in the event that a clean-up of toxic material is deemed necessary.)
Assign responding personnel to fixed /mobile/ posts to contain the area
Tactical Frequencies
If it is safe to do so, utilize available resources and conduct a quick search of the blast zone and adjacent areas for any secondary devices.
Establish a Command Post a sufficient distance from the incident location to provide a safe environment from those in command to operate. Factors to consider in choosing a location should include sufficient parking for a large number of vehicles, restrooms, telephones, food areas to hold briefings, etc.
Major Incident Log- records all notifications – activities and personnel. All pertinent information that can be utilized in completing an after action incident report and critique.
Ensure that a comprehensive report is written documenting the incident and the actions taken by those involved. Follow directions of the ranking person on scene, and the recommendations of the Arson/Explosives Detectives and any other special investigators who have responded (i.e., EOB/TEW, Homicide, Haz Mat, etc.)
Conduct a comprehensive debriefing/critique to review constructive criticism and discuss improvements that can be implemented should a similar incident occur in the future.