Station Order 17-039: Desk Emergency Procedures and Station Evacuation



The purpose of this order is to establish guidelines and procedures in the event that a terrorist or deranged person enters the station lobby area and threaten to detonate an explosive device or produce a weapon and take hostages (visitors and/or employees). It will also address suspicious packages/bomb threats. The goal will be to safely evacuate the station.




 It is imperative that anyone who sees this occurring and has the opportunity to safely retreat into the station interior should immediately notify the Watch Commander and Watch Sergeant. That person will then get the rear gate key from the Watch Sergeant’s center desk drawer and:

      • Begin notifying those in the secretariat, traffic office, and community relations office as you evacuate the building with those personnel via detective bureau.
      • During evacuation, via detective bureau, have someone check the offices of OSS, Training/Scheduling, and those offices along the back hallway (Narco, etc.) as well as both restrooms.
      • Check the court liaison office, the evidence room and interview rooms along the hallway and make notification to them.
      • All persons shall evacuate by use of the rear east door by DB into the station parking lot and proceed to the gate in front of the RV Command Post, next to the wash bay and stay there re: roll call. Unlock the gate.





  • Confirm the Watch Sergeant is aware of the situation.
  • Confirm safe is locked. Take W/C block of keys with you.
  • Notify Captain/Operations staff during working hours- have them lock their office doors and evacuate via Ops. Lt.’s office through secretariat.
  • Get a portable radio and immediately respond to the command post at Walnut Senior Center (21215 La Puente Road) or wherever it was set up.
  • Advise Field Sergeant via Dispatch 6 to respond Code 3 to command post.
  • Notify Station Commander if after hours or not in station.
  • Make required Department notifications.




      • Confirm the Watch Commander is aware of the situation.
      • Take Armory key, Evidence keys and W/Sgt. block of keys with you.
      • Notify Jailer.
      • Confirm that station personnel are evacuating via detective bureau.
      • Oversee the evacuation of desk personnel and assist with securing the front part of the station.
      • Notify any COPS personnel in the station or the rear trailer of the incident.
      • Appoint someone to notify and assist evacuating personnel from downstairs.
      • Confirm all personnel have evacuated the building. Do roll call of all station personnel.




      • Roll Code 3 and set up command post at Walnut Senior Center (21215 La Puente Road, building east of city hall) or other location. (Note- Mt.SAC has poor radio/MDT reception).
      • Get a tactical frequency.
      • Set up containment of station area- have Walnut units begin evacuations of the following next to station preferably in this order :


-Tutor Time School

-Panera Bread

-Applebee’s Restaurant


-Panda Express



      • Notify CHP and confirm they are aware of the incident. If they are not:
      • Request they block/divert traffic for a ½ mile in all directions around station
      • Have liaison respond to command post
      • Notify Crisis Negotiations Team and Special Enforcement Bureau as well as Arson/Explosives (if needed) and have them respond to command post.
      • Request response units from neighboring stations and have them respond to the command post.




      • If the station should come under attack or if personnel working the lobby / desk area are fired upon, personnel shall return fire, if appropriate, following all applicable department policies. Personnel shall be particularly cognizant of civilian visitors and employees and shall take whatever measures necessary to ensure their safety. All Watch Deputies will be armed, as well as any deputy assigned to the desk.
      • Close metal fire door to lobby and secure it.
      • Notify SCC via hotline of situation. Summon necessary resources (field personnel, fire department, Arson/Explosives etc.) Note: if suspicious package in lobby, make notifications AFTER evacuating desk area...
      • As necessary, evacuate the desk area. The evacuation may be partial or complete depending upon the circumstances.
      • Transfer 9-1-1 lines to Industry station after notifying them.
      • Have someone secure hallway doors via W/Sgt. office by Operations.
      • Begin evacuating station via jail hallway door to the station parking lot and proceed to the gate next to the wash bay and stay there re: roll call.
      • Desk Deputy (ies) to assist jailer with evacuation of inmates. Inmates should be taken to the horse corral/picnic area.
      • Change security video monitors to blank screen then turn them off.




      • Take all jail keys with you.
      • Page all trusties to report to the wash bay immediately.
      • Initiate evacuation of jail.




Clear all restrooms, locker rooms / sleep rooms, assembly room, kitchen, building maintenance rooms, electrical rooms (check for county maintenance workers, background investigators, etc.). Evacuate station with those personnel via the stairs leading to parking lot. Proceed to the gate in front of the RV/Command Post next to the wash bay and stay there re: roll call.