Solid Waste
Use station dumpsters – initial disposal site to maximize the capacity of the dumpsters, refrain from placing trash that does not immediately need to be contained (Paper, etc.).
Procure additional dumpsters and arrange disposal from local vendors. Obtain a County emergency Purchase Order (EPO) through Internal Services Department.
An alternative temporary source would be the cities or local merchants.
Temporary Holding Area – designate and cordon off a portion of the station grounds from waste collection. This should be an area accessible to trash disposal vehicles. Contain trash in plastic bags or other appropriate container
Obtain portable toilets from local vendors. Obtain a County Emergency Purchase Order (EPO) through Internal Services Department. An alternative temporary source would be the cities or local merchants. If necessary, contain sewage in plastic bags and place in a temporary holding area for later disposal.
Prisoner Evacuation
Relocation to San Dimas or Industry Station should be considered if restoration of sewage service is not expected soon.