Station Order 17-030: Emergency Operations Procedures (E.O.P.)

The EOP manual is a principal source of data and will be regarded as the primary procedural reference throughout this chapter.


Not included in this chapter are the Department’s "Emergency Operating Procedures" (EOPs), which are numerically indexed, categorized by subject and kept as a separate manual.  The EOPs are detailed procedures that address specific types of events and support activities.


It is important to note that these procedural guidelines are regularly revised to conform to newly endorsed or changed policy.  The Emergency Operations Bureau is responsible for reviewing the EOP Manual annually, updating and disseminating procedural revisions or additions to the appropriate Units.


All field personnel and support Unit staff of the rank of Sergeant and above, shall be held responsible for the contents of the EOP manual.  Unit Commanders are responsible for maintaining the manual at their respective facilities.


Concerned Division Chiefs shall be the approval authority for EOPs.