Station Order 17-020: Inmate Worker Visits

The following guidelines are the procedures to be followed when inmate workers have visitors.


Inmate worker visits are conducted on Saturday Sunday and County Holidays, from

10:00 a.m. until 4:00p.m.


All visitors will check in at the Station front desk. The visitor shall contact the jailer by using the counter phone.


Before being admitted, the Watch Deputy or desk Deputy shall search all packages, including purses and personal bags for unauthorized items. All visitors shall be advised that they are subject to search prior to being allowed inside the facility. Searching the visitor's person will be at the discretion of the Watch Deputy or Desk Deputy.


Any items that are considered to be contraband will not be allowed inside the Station area. These items will be given back to the visitor and they shall secure the item(s) in their vehicle. All items that are considered contraband are listed on pages two and three.


Once the jailer is ready to admit a visitor, the jailer or a reserve deputy shall escort the visitor to the patio area. The visitor shall be advised that they cannot leave the patio area. If the visitor leaves the patio area without permission, their visit will be terminated. If a visitor wants to retrieve an item from their vehicle, the visitor must be escorted back to the lobby by the jailer or reserve deputy. At no time will a visitor leave the visiting area without an escort. Upon retrieving the item, the visitor and package are subject to another search before being allowed to re-enter the Station. If re-entry is allowed, the visitor shall be escorted back to the patio area to continue their visit.


When the visit has been completed, the inmate worker shall notify the Jailer or Reserve Deputy. The Jailer or Reserve Deputy shall escort the visitor out of the Station into the lobby area.


Each inmate worker visit is limited to three adult visitors and two/three children. Each inmate worker is limited to two visits per day one hour in duration each.


Visits may be terminated by a supervisor if the visit becomes unruly or the conduct of the inmate worker or visitor becomes unacceptable.


Contraband at Walnut/Diamond Bar Station


•           Pornographic material,

•           Sticks and pipes (clubs or batons),

•           Tools held without permission of a supervisor/jailer,

•           Any empty container without the proper label,

•           Any item that can be used as a weapon,

•           Any outer clothing other than jail issue (All jail clothing must be stamped "LA CO JAIL."),

•           An item causing a safety hazard,

•           Any item considered contraband by Federal, State, County or Municipal law,

•           Any item considered illegal by mere possession, i.e., narcotics,

•           Any part of any firearm or ammunition,

•           Any keys,

•           Any Station property being used for personal use.



Any other items that are not mentioned or that is questionable should be checked with the Watch Commander prior to accepting them.