Station Order 17-018: Vehicle Hold, Release, Administrative Fees

The purpose of this directive is to establish an accounting reconciliation plan for vehicle release administrative fee transactions.




This order applies to all personnel who process vehicle releases at Walnut/Diamond Bar Sheriff's Station.



  • All vehicle release forms (SH-CR-94) shall remain under the control of desk personnel and only by the authorization of the Watch Deputy, shall a blank form be removed from the desk.  Before the vehicle release form is removed from the desk, the sequential number of the form shall be assigned to the personnel taking possession and recorded into the vehicle release log (Walnut Station Form-72).


  • All vehicle release forms from Walnut/Diamond Bar Sheriff's Station shall be processed by desk personnel only, except otherwise authorized by the Watch Deputy.


  • All desk personnel who process vehicle releases shall conduct a Stolen Vehicle System (SVS) inquiry to verify whether fees are required prior to completing the vehicle release form.  Desk personnel will then complete a vehicle release form in duplicate and assign a release number, which corresponds with the vehicle release log.  If the vehicle release requires a fee transaction, the vehicle release form shall include the receipt number generated from the cash register or a contract city receipt, assigned to that transaction.


After the vehicle release form is completed, the original copy shall be placed in the approved tray located in the Watch Sergeant's office.  A station secretary will then take possession of the release form for processing and the duplicate copy shall be given to the registered owner for the release of their vehicle.


When the station secretary completes the task of entering the vehicle information into the Stolen Vehicle System, the secretary shall then place the original copy of the release form into the secured box located by the secretary facsimile machine.


The day shift Watch Deputy shall contact the towing company during normal business hours and give instructions to fax their copy of the vehicle release form to the station secretary fax machine.  The watch deputy shall submit a copy of the miscellaneous fees cash record (SHAD-343) to be placed in the secured vehicle release box, on a daily basis.


Station secretary personnel who receive the facsimile copies of the vehicle release forms from the towing companies shall place all copies into the secured vehicle release box for reconciliation by the Supervising Secretary.  After the reconciliation of the vehicle release forms, the original and facsimile copy shall be filed with the original report.


The Supervising Secretary shall reconcile all vehicle hold release forms to the vehicle release log by comparing all copies to the miscellaneous fees record, confirming that all receipt numbers coincide.  In the event the vehicle release forms do not reconcile, the watch deputy shall be immediately notified.






The watch commander shall be responsible for the daily accounting and reconciliation of all vehicle release administration fees for his or her respective watch and the daily performance of the watch sergeant and watch deputy concerning the fees.  The watch commander is responsible for ensuring that all personnel comply with the provisions of this order, as well as any and all related Department Policy.



The watch sergeant is responsible for actively supervising the accounting and reconciliation of all vehicle release administrative fees and for ensuring compliance with this order and all related Departmental Policy.  The Watch Sergeant will directly supervise the daily activities of personnel who are responsible for collecting vehicle release administrative fees according to this directive.



The watch deputy is responsible for actively supervising the accounting and reconciliation of all vehicle release administrative fees and for ensuring compliance with this order and all related Departmental Policy.  The Watch Deputy will directly supervise all personnel who are responsible for processing vehicle hold releases and collecting fees.  Additionally, the watch deputy will be responsible for:


A.         The processing of vehicle hold releases, collecting fees associated with the vehicle releases, logging all transactions in the miscellaneous fees record and ensure that all transactions are reconciled on a daily bases.


B.          Ensure that the SH-CR-94 form is properly completed by personnel processing the release, to include the receipt number if fees are due.


C.          Ensure that all copies of the SH-CR-94 forms are received from the respective tow companies on a daily basis.


D.         Ensure that when administrative fees are waived, personnel authorizing the release, complete and sign the vehicle release form indicating the reason for the fee waiver on the receipt line



The Supervising Secretary or his or her designee, shall be responsible for the daily accounting and reconciliation of all vehicle release forms.  The Supervising Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that all supervised personnel comply with the provisions of this order, as well as any and all related Department Policy.