Station Order 17-017: Deferred and Disapproved Report Procedures



Deferred Report Policy


Deputies are responsible for the completion, submission and, when necessary, the correction of all their reports on the shift in which they were incurred. Exceptions to this policy, in the form of deferrals, or overtime will only be granted by the Watch Sergeant or Watch Commander.


Watch Sergeants shall be guided in their decision to defer a report by three principles:


1.         The actual time frame within which the completed, corrected, and approved report is needed.


2.          By the reasonableness of the request for deferral.


3.          Overtime expenditures



When the first principle dictates that a report must be completed promptly, then the next principles need not be considered. The following guidelines set forth those circumstances when a report must be completed promptly and no deferral can be granted:


1.         An arrest is made and the suspect will remain in custody.  This is because in­ custody suspects require immediate follow-up on the next business day for interview and filing considerations


Many times a suspect is eligible for release (citation, bail, 849B2, juvenile to parents, etc.) however, the report should not be deferred if:


a.         The suspect is in custody at the time the request to defer is made and is not eligible for release on citation and or 849b2.


Exception: The arrest is initiated on a Friday after 0001 hours or anytime Saturday if the deferring deputy will be on duty to complete the report at least one shift between the deferral date and the next business day.


b.        The subject (juvenile) has been summoned back for the next business day.


Note: Petitions for juveniles in custody must be submitted to the D.A.'s office by 10:00 the following business day after arrest requiring the completed/approved report. The Watch Sergeant or Watch Commander may waive this guideline if the deferring deputy will be on duty to complete the report at least one shift between the deferral date and next business day.


2.          The reported crime is serious in nature, i.e., major sex crimes, armed robberies, assaults with serious injuries, attempt murder, etc.


3.         The report involves major crimes and there is workable information or unusual circumstances (e.g., 459 with a high value property loss, a noteworthy person as a victim, or a report assigned to Headquarters)


4.        The reported crime requires notification to Department executives as per Field Operations.    Directive 86-11.


5.          CHP 180 forms.


Any instances where doubt exists shall be resolved by the Watch Commander.


When a station detective is on duty, he/she should be consulted regarding the deferral of reports that will have a station detective bureau assignments.


Deferred reports should be completed by the deputy during their next shift. If a deputy will be off on RDO's, or scheduled personal leave time (V, SP, etc.), consideration should be given to the impact of the report being deferred for more than one day. If the scheduled time off, for example, falls on a weekend or holiday, then the report can probably be deferred for that time period.


Other reports, however, may result in problems if deferred more than one day. An example would be a burglary wherein the victim is going to supply additional information, or where suspects may be arrested at a later time but the original report is not yet available.


Procedures for Deferring a Report:


1.        The deferred report log is to be maintained in a binder at the Watch Sergeant's desk. All deferred reports are to be listed on this log.


2.          When a report is deferred, the deferring employee shall complete the report face page and the Watch Sergeant shall then stamp the report "Deferred" in the upper left-hand comer. The deferring employee shall obtain two copies of the face page and place one copy in the Watch Sergeant's approved report tray for secretarial processing. The second copy shall be placed in the deferred report log binder (front side pocket) and make the appropriate entry in the log sheet.


3.          The approving Watch Sergeant shall sign (no initials) in the "Approved by Sergeant" section of the deferred report log and print the word "defer" on the "URN" file log in pencil.


4.          A report is not considered deferred until approved, entered into the log, and signed by the Watch Sergeant in the approval section.


 Deferred Report Log


Deputies are responsible for submitting a deferred report by the date and time indicated by the Watch Sergeant.  If for some reason the report cannot be completed as scheduled, the deputy is responsible for advising the Watch Sergeant so that adjustments can be made and the log updated. Deputies who have a deferred report due and who cannot complete it due to an unforeseen absence on the due date, are responsible for notifying the Watch Sergeant of the fact and a revised completion date will be inserted into the deferred report log.


Watch Sergeants are responsible for checking the deferred log each shift to determine if any deferred reports are due and then to ensure they are completed. Upon receipt and approval of a deferred report the Watch Sergeant will erase the word defer on the "URN" file log, sign it off, and then date the completion in the deferred log.


Disapproved Report Policy:


Unless a report is deferred, all corrections to a disapproved report are to be made before the concerned deputy leaves the station. If the Watch Sergeant must read a report after the deputy has gone off duty and the report requires correction, it is the Watch Sergeant's responsibility to defer that disapproved report. The Watch Sergeant must personally comply with all of the deferred report guidelines (if a juvenile summons has been issued, consider recalling the summons).  The Watch Sergeant shall be responsible for making notification to the concerned deputy of the report deferral.