Station Order 17-015: Hand-Held Metal Detector



The purpose of this order is to set forth Walnut /Diamond Bar Sheriff’s Station policy regarding the use, operation, and accountability of the hand-held metal detector located in the Jail. This order is a guideline, and its purpose is to enhance a safe and secure environment for everyone who handles, books, and interviews prisoners, by preventing the introduction of secreted weapons into the jail.




The hand-held metal detector is a tool provided as an additional aid in the searching of prisoners.  In no way is it intended to substitute for thorough departmentally approved hand searches. 


It is the policy of the Walnut/Diamond Bar Station Jail, that all persons entering the jail are searched. Searches may include, but are not limited to: the use of a hand held electronic metal detector, visual inspection of person and property, diligent pat down searches, and strip searches with the prior approval of the Watch Commander.




With respect to cardiac pacemakers and cardiac defibrillators, hand-held metal detectors have the potential to cause a one beat pause in the rhythm which may or may not be felt and would not be harmful. Frequent movement of the wand over the pacemaker, however, has the potential for causing increased interference with pacemaker operation.


When personnel encounter an individual with a pacemaker or other medical implant (heart defibrillator) a hand search should be utilized. If a hand-held metal detector must be used, do not pass the wand over the pacemaker area more than once every five seconds. This will minimize the potential for interference with the pacemaker/heart defibrillator operation.   




The hand held metal detector is available in the jail behind the Jailer’s desk, accessible by all personnel needing to move prisoners in and throughout the jail.  The device shall be managed and maintained by the Jailer, and available for any employee who requests it for the purpose of searching prisoners. The instructions are printed on the device itself. The power source is a 9 volt battery located in the handle.  Extra batteries are stored in the Jailer’s desk.