Station Order 17-012: Radiation Pagers

The purpose of this station order is to establish station-specific guidelines for the effective compliance with Field Operations Directive 06-01 regarding field deployment of Radiation Pagers.  The goal is to use the pagers in the most effective manner and assure that inventory is controlled for accountability and availability.



Radiation Pagers are stored in the armory at Walnut/Diamond Bar Station.  The pagers are numbered for identification purposes. Each patrol unit shall deploy one radiation pager as part of its routine daily equipment.  The radiation pager number shall be logged in the DDWS with all other equipment, using the prefix “RP” followed by the station-applied number.

All sworn personnel shall view the 7 minute training DVD on this topic.  Patrol deputies shall obtain a Radiation Pager from the armory at the beginning of each shift and enter the pager number in the DDWS log.  The pager, when carried, must be worn on the Sam Browne belt.  If stored inside the radio car, it shall be affixed to the radio car safety cage within reach and earshot of the driver.  The pager shall be returned to the armory at the conclusion of each shift.  Pagers shall not remain in patrol cars when the unit is not logged on.   



During daily shift inventories, the watch deputy shall account for the inventory of radiation pagers.  If a pager cannot be located, the deputy will notify the watch sergeant.  The watch sergeant shall ensure that the deputy to whom the pager was last assigned will author a memo to the unit commander explaining the circumstances for its loss. A complaint report shall also be authored. 



The watch sergeant shall assure that radiation pagers are appropriately logged in the DDWS.  The watch sergeant shall maintain oversight of the inventory.  Field sergeants shall conduct periodic checks to assure that the pagers are powered on and being carried in the specified manner.



The watch commander shall assure that radiation pagers are deployed and logged in the specified manner.