The proper management of the monthly station overtime allotment is the responsibility of all supervisors and managers assigned to this command. Accordingly, the following procedures for the authorization and approval of overtime are established. These procedures are established in the furtherance of Departmental Overtime Guidelines (Departmental Manual of Policy and Procedures, Section 3-02/280.00).
-Vacancy Overtime - Watch Commanders shall carefully review the in-service sheet for the following shift to ascertain if overtime is required to fill vacancies due to sick call-ins, anticipated major problems, etc. Where known deficiencies exist in contract city contract time, every attempt should be made to fill any vacancy arising from on-duty resources. Officer safety shall receive the highest priority and necessarily will require the utilization of vacancy overtime.
-Late Report/Arrest - All overtime to be worked to complete late reports and/or arrests shall be authorized by the Watch Commander prior to being worked. The Watch Commander will evaluate the time required to complete the report. Time shall be authorized in two-hour increments. This will be entered in the “Supervisor Pre-Approving” section on the overtime slip and also signed by the Watch Commander in this section. The Watch Commander must print his/her name and initial alongside the name. If additional time is necessary, the requesting deputy shall take the report being written to the Watch Sergeant for review. Additional overtime may be approved in two-hour increments. Consideration should be given to deferring the remaining portions if a prima facial case is already reflected.
Requests by personnel for overtime for late reports shall be granted only after a determination is made that the report cannot be deferred. Further, Watch Sergeants shall closely monitor deputies on overtime to ensure that the reports are completed within the allotted time. Requests for extension of the authorized time shall be closely scrutinized. With respect to training officers and trainees, it is not necessary that the training officer remain with the trainee when the trainee is competent to write the particular report involved. Upon completion of the overtime, the Watch Sergeant, after reviewing the overtime report, shall sign in the space marked “Supervisor’s Signature.”
All overtime worked by station detectives shall be on a pre-authorized basis, approved by the Detective Bureau Lieutenant or, in his absence, the Watch Commander.
All court appearances or on-call time shall be approved by the Court Liaison Sergeant.
When a deputy appears in court, the overtime slip shall be filled out at the court and submitted to the Court Deputy, accompanied by a time-stamped subpoena or facsimile. The Court Deputy shall sign as the authorizing officer and then submit the overtime slips to the Court Liaison Sergeant, who will sign as the approving supervisor.
When a deputy receives a notice for an on-call subpoena, he will, as soon as possible, initial the subpoena book and pick up the subpoena to be eligible for the on-call overtime. Additionally, an overtime slip shall be completed prior to the on-call date, except for the ending time. The ending time will be entered by the Court Liaison Deputy, who will also authorize the overtime. Final approval will be done by the Court Liaison Sergeant, who will sign as the supervisor.
Training shall be accomplished insofar as possible during regular duty hours. Any overtime for training shall have the prior approval of the Training Lieutenant.
All claims for overtime shall be submitted within 24 hours of the conclusion of the activity which necessitated the working of overtime. Personnel authorizing or approving overtime shall ensure the accuracy of the overtime slip. Overtime worked reports without proper authorization and approval shall be returned to the employee for correction.