Station Order 17-006: Hot Sheet

The purpose of this order is to establish station procedure and standardized the utilization of the “Hot Sheet” to document information given during crime broadcasts from field crews.


Utilizing this standardized “Hot Sheet” should enable station personnel to review pertinent crime broadcast information in a timely manner.  The most current page of the “Hot Sheet” shall be photocopied on the back of the in-service for field crew use.


Watch Deputy Responsibility


In order to have information readily available to the field crews, each Watch Deputy shall enter crime broadcast information from field units into the “Hot Sheet” folder located in the “Walnut Shared Files” under the heading “Hot Sheet.”  The Watch Deputy shall insert a row, in front of the last entry made on the “Hot Sheet,” for the crime information to be entered.  The Watch Deputy shall enter information for the following categories: crime, date, time, location, suspects, weapon, M.O./loss, vehicle and sequence.  It is the responsibility of the watch deputies during their shift, to update the “Hot Sheet” with current information, i.e., suspect(s) in custody, etc.


Watch Sergeant Responsibility


The Watch Sergeant shall print out the most current page of the “Hot Sheet” and give it to the patrol secretary for processing with the in-service sheet.  Only those in-services used by field units shall be processed with the back page displaying the “Hot Sheet.”  These in-services shall be placed in the Briefing Room for the next shift.