Station Order 17-004: Motorola XTS 3000 Radio Inventory Control, Check Out, Handling, Storage and Battery Maintenance Procedures

Each shift watch sergeant (or watch commander if no watch sergeant) shall be responsible and accountable for taking an inventory, assigning radios and recharging batteries.  The radios, batteries and chargers will be stored in the armory at the station and access shall be controlled by the watch sergeant.




At the beginning of each shift, personnel will be issued a radio with battery according to the assigned radio number appearing on the in-service sheet.  Any changes must be made with the approval of the watch sergeant.


  1.          WATCH SERGEANT


The watch sergeant will ensure deputy personnel take only the assigned radio.  The watch sergeant will conduct a shift inventory of the radios, note any discrepancies and immediately attempt to locate any missing radio(s).  If the radio(s) cannot be located, the watch sergeant shall indicate the radio as missing on the inventory control sheet.  The inventory control sheet will be maintained on an arch board in the watch sergeant’s office.  The watch sergeant will be responsible for recharging batteries a minimum of four hours. 




Specific radios have been assigned to detective, volunteers in patrol and motor unit personnel.  All other personnel requiring a radio must contact the watch sergeant, who will record the radio number on the shift inventory sheet. 



4.         ALL PERSONNEL


At the end of each shift, the radios shall be returned to the watch sergeant’s office.



Each deputy shall remove the battery from the radio and place it the box of batteries to be charged.  All personnel are responsible for the care and control of the radio assigned to them.  If an assigned radio becomes inoperable, the watch sergeant shall be notified and a new radio will be issued.  The reporting deputy will complete a radio repair order, describing the problem and give it to the watch sergeant.  The new radio will be updated on the MDT (Deputy Daily Worksheet) and the desk will be advised of the number of the new radio. 





The watch commander shall ensure that a physical count of assigned radios is conducted during the shift. 




                        A.        Responsible for preparing the radios and batteries for the next shift.

    B.        Record the assigned radio numbers next to the deputy’s name on the in-service sheet.

                        C.        Conduct a shift inventory of the radios.

                        D.        Recharge batteries a minimum of four hours.

                        E.        Maintain control over the radio inventory during each shift.




                        A.        The radio liaison sergeant has overall control of the radio inventory. 

                        B.        The sergeant will ensure that radio inventory control sheets are kept updated.

              C.        The sergeant will cause defective radios or batteries to be sent to SCC for repair or replacement.

                        D.        The sergeant will coordinate radio replacement/repair with the detective sergeant for radios assigned to detective personnel.  

    E.        If a radio has been missing for (5) days, the sergeant shall cause a SH-49 to be written, documenting the incident and will ensure that the radio is entered by SCC as lost or stolen.

                        F.         When a radio is damaged, the sergeant shall ensure that a SH-49 is written in order for the radio to be replaced or repaired.