This order defines Station Orders, which shall guide the performance of personnel assigned to Walnut/Diamond Bar Station.
These orders establish procedures that are unique to Walnut/Diamond Bar Station. They are generally applications of Department policies and procedures as they specifically apply to the day-to-day operation of this station.
Station Orders shall be submitted to Operations Office for approval by the Station Commander.
The Operations Office shall cause Station orders to be reviewed on a regular basis for the purpose of updating/deleting pertinent dynamics that are in the best interest of the Station and Department. The orders shall be review by the station commander at least yearly.
Upon approval of a Station Order by the Station Commander, the Operations Office shall cause publication, distribution, and codification of said order. On the Station electronic network, a shared folder will have the latest version for access. It is advised that bureaus, offices and sections within the station command structure to maintain a notebook with hard copies for easier access is voluntary.
Suggestions for Improvement
All personnel assigned to Walnut/Diamond Bar Station are encouraged to make suggestions to their supervisors for improvement in operations which they perceive as needed to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Supervisors shall review these suggestions and forward them to the individual responsible for that particular aspect of the station’s operation.
The individual ultimately receiving the suggestion shall research the subject and, if appropriate, implement the suggestion through proper channels. If the suggestion is not to be acted upon, the individual shall reply to the suggestor, in writing, why the suggestion will not be implemented. A copy of that reply and the corresponding suggestion shall be routed to the Station Commander for informational purposes.