LCS Unit Order 41








The purpose of this unit order is to establish protocol for prisoner security at medical facilities.   




Deputies working single deputy units, shall maintain constant visual contact with any prisoner in their custody.  Deputies shall also maintain proximity to the prisoner at all times to ensure safety of the medical staff, patients, and to prevent the prisoner’s escape.  When patients are brought in by ambulance they are, at times, forced by hospital workload to remain in the sally port area of the emergency room.  When this occurs, deputies shall position themselves in a position to maintain control of their prisoner.  At no time will deputies divert their attention from the prisoner to complete paperwork or to make telephone calls, including calls for file numbers, booking numbers etc.  When personal needs arise, a second unit will be summoned to take charge of the prisoner’s security, until the primary deputy returns.


Deputies working two-deputy units shall adhere to the same policy as single deputy units with a few exceptions.  If two or more deputies are present, at least one deputy shall maintain constant control of the prisoner while the others complete the necessary paperwork, provided public and officer safety and security is not compromised.  If the second deputy must leave the emergency room sally port area, the remaining deputy shall stop what he/she is doing and take over security of the prisoner.