Deputy Leadership

LASD DLI Facilitator Workshop





I.          Introduction

            A.        Course overview and expectations

            B.        Student introductions

            C.        Key Note speaker - Chief Abner

II.          Effective thought patterns

            A.        The self-talk cycle

                        1.         Self-image

                                    a.         B.        Self talk

                                    b.         Stanford Study:

      i.          Positive self-talk (20%)

                                                ii.         Negative self-talk (80%)

                        2.         Attributional style:

                                    a.         As I think, I am

            B.        Improving thought patterns  

                        1.         Internal image determines behaviors

                                    a.         Words

                                    b.         Pictures

                                    c.         Feelings

                                                i.          I X V = R

                        2.         Change image, change behavior

                                    a.         Monitoring and controlling self-talk

                                    b.         Imprint picture with proper emotion

                                    c.         Visualize your way to change

            C.        Unconscious thought processes

                        1.         Regulation of one’s effectiveness

                        2.         Comfort zones

                        3.         Effectiveness zones

                        4.         Anxiety arousal

                        5.         Self-regulation

                                    a.         Self-talk

                                    b.         Feedback

                                    c.         Dominant reality

            D.        Keys to personal power

                        1.         Controlling forethought

                                    a.         Using forethought correctly

                                    b.         systematic desensitization

                        2.         Affirmations

                                    a.         Affirm self and others

                                    b.         Resiliency

                                    c.         Positive expectancy of the future

                                    d.         Listing successes

                                    e.         Importance of not passing through successes too lightly

                                    f.          Visualizing the future

            E.        How the mind works

                        1.         Conscious mind

                                    a.         Current thoughts

                                    b.         Conscious reflection

                                    c.         Controlled process

                        2.         Subconscious mind

                                    a.         Memory

                                    b.         Automatic processes

                                    c.         Habitual thought patterns

                                    d.         Maintain current reality

                        3.         Creative subconscious

                                    a.         Problem solving

                                    b.         Creativity

            F.         Targeting needs and goals

                        1.         Teleological

                                    a.         Our minds our goal oriented

                                    b.         We move towards and become that which we think about

                        2.         Cognitive dissonance

                                    a.         Mind cannot hold two conflicting cognitions

                                    b.         Tension

                                    c.         Creative energy

                                                i.          Correct towards the dominant picture

                        3.         Goal setting is essential

                                    a.         Become purposeful

                                    b.         Worry is negative goal setting

                                    c.         Focus on what we want, not what we don’t want



I.          Generation Shaping Events & Definitions of generations
            A.        Common traits

                        1.         Age

                        2.         Location in history

                        3.         Collective peer personality

            B.        Various definitions of generational historical time frames

                        1.         Strauss and Howe

                                    a.         Silent 1925-1942

                                    b.         Boomer 1943-1960

                                    c.         Gen X 1961-1981

                                    d.         Millennial 1981- present

                        2.         Other generational historical time frames

                                    a.         Veteran born before 1943

                                    b.         Boomer 1943-1964

                                    c.         Gen X 1965-1980

                                    d.         Millennial or Y 1981- present

            C.        Veterans

1.         They have a definitive sense of right and wrong and of good and bad                           and are respectful of authority.

2.         They save their money and pay in cash.

3.         They are conformers.

4.         They believe in an honest day=s work for an honest day’s pay.

5.         Historical Events

            a.         WWI, WWII

            b.         Stock Market Crash

            c.         Great Depression

            D.        Baby Boomers

                        1.         Baby Boomers Question Authority

                        2.         Part of the legacy of the sixties and Viet Nam.

                        3.         Don=t trust anyone over 30.

                        4.         Buy now, pay later.

                        5.         Historical Events

                                    a.         WWI & WWII

                                    b.         Vietnam

                                    c.         Rosa Parks &  Civil Rights Movement

            E.        Generation X

                        1.         They believe in balance and work to live (not the other way around).

                        2.         Their parents devoted themselves to work.  Many were latch key kids

                        3.         Their parents looked like workaholics to them. 

                        4.         Frightened by high price of parents’ success, i.e., stress, divorce,etc.

                        5.         Historical Events

                                    a.         Challenger Explosion

                                    b.         Watergate

                                    c.         Gulf War 1

                        6.         Averages nearly nine jobs between the ages of 18 and 32

                                    a.         Average time a police officer is less than five years (NIJ study).

                                                i.          Don’t think much about paying dues.

                                                ii.         Don’t want long hours and dead end jobs.

                                                iii.        Very entrepreneurial.

                                                iv.        This generation has redefined loyalty.

            F.         Millennials

                        1.         The AFound Generation@, they are confident and hopeful.

                        2.         Parents not only escorted them, they advocated for them.

                        3.         Gen X’ers, whose parents were never home, swore they would do it                                         differently.

                        4.         Kids are the rageBBaby Gap, Pottery Barn Kids, 50 kid shows on TV                         5.         They value honesty and integrity.

                        6.         Historical Events

                                    a.         Oklahoma City Bombing

                                    b.         Columbine High

                                    c.         9/11

II.          Employment Challenges
            A.        National / Macro Issues
                        1.         According to U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics, there will be a shortfall of                                                10 million workers by 2010.
                        2.         Nationwide, by 2010 U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics predict a net                                                        deficit of 10 million workers nationwide.

            B.        Local / Micro Issues

                        1.         California’s population growing nearly 600,000 people per year.

                        2.         According to a 2004 California Performance Review study, 70,000                                                      State of California workers (34%) will be eligible to retire in the next                                                     five years (that was three years ago).

                        3.         California will need to hire nearly 68,000 sworn peace officers by 2012.

III.         Perceived Strengths, Weaknesses, and Job Related Needs (Veterans)
            A.        Perceived strengths
                        1.         Created most of culture in workplace today (paramilitary)

                        2.         Strong work ethic

                        3.         Loyalty & dependability are tied to one employer for life             

            B.        Perceived Weaknesses

                        1.         Stuck in the mud

                        2.         Not familiar with the times

                        3.         Unwilling to embrace change

            C.        Values (and behavior are different things)

                        1.         Family

                        2.         Integrity

                        3.         Love

            D.        Job related needs

                        1.         Respect/Trust

                        2.         Credible/trustworthy leaders

                        3.         Slowly embrace change/Loyalty based on context

IV.        Perceived Strengths/Weaknesses/Job-Related Needs (Baby Boomers)

            A.        Perceived strengths
                        1.         Live to work

                        2.         Good team players

                        3.         Sink or swim mentality         

            B.        Perceived Weaknesses

                        1.         Every question can have many right answers

                        2.         Live to work; expect same of others

                        3.         Commitment issues

            C.        Values (and behavior are different things)

                        1.         Family

                        2.         Integrity

                        3.         Love

            D.        Job related needs

                        1.         Respect/Trust

                        2.         Credible/trustworthy leaders

                        3.         Slowly embrace change/Loyalty based on context

V.        Perceived Strengths, Weaknesses, and Job Related Needs (Generation X -  What’s the deal today)

            A.        Perceived strengths
                        1.         Independent

                        2.         Self reliance

                        3.         Committed to balance of work and home life

            B.        Perceived Weaknesses

                        1.         Fun and informality in workplace

                        2.         Self reliance-leave them alone on a project

                        3.         Not against authority, just unimpressed by it.

            C.        Values (and behavior are different things)

                        1.         Family

                        2.         Love

                        3.         Integrity

            D.        Job related needs

                        1.         Respect

                        2.         Trust

                        3.         Credible/trustworthy leaders

VI.        Perceived Strengths, Weaknesses, and Job Related Needs (Millennials)

            A.        Perceived strengths
                        1.         Energetic

                        2.         Hopeful

                        3.         Patriotic                     

            B.        Perceived Weaknesses

                        1.         Slackers

                        2.         Not loyal

                        3.         Not willing to pay dues

            C.        Values (and behavior are different things)

                        1.         Family

                        2.         Love

                        3.         Spirituality

            D.        Job related needs

                        1.         Respect

                        2.         Trust

                        3.         Credible/trustworthy leaders

                        4.         Slowly embrace change

                        5.         Loyalty based on context


            A.        Counseling – direct face-to-face conversation with a  subordinate
            B.        Goals of counseling

                        1.         Provide feedback to:

                                    a.         Develop employees

                                    b.         Set expectations

                                    c.         Correct inappropriate behavior (solve performance problems)

            C.        Counseling should be a continuous process

                        1.         Biggest problem with counseling: not frequent enough

                        2.         Feedback is the only way employees have of gauging their work

                        3.         Medicine analogy – dosage, time, and total amount are all important

            D.        Counseling should never be used to

                        1.         Make the employee feel bad

                        2.         Embarrass or belittle the employee

                        3.         Demonstrate the supervisor’s superior knowledge or skill

            E.        Performance standards – correct vs. incorrect performance

                        1.         Most employees perform the vast majority of their jobs very well

                                    a.         95% of work is performed correctly

                        2.         Feedback usually focuses on the 5% that employees perform                                                               incorrectly

                                    b.         Focusing only on negative feedback is demoralizing

            F.         Beware of filters

                        1.         All communication must pass through our perceptual filters

                                    a.         Past experiences/Expectations

                                    b.         Attitudes/Values/Beliefs

                                    c.         Sensitivity to certain issues (hot buttons)

                        2.         Filters can influence what is heard

IX.        Coaching, Counseling, and Mentoring -Definitions

  1. Coaching

1.         Temporary/Opportunity based

            B.        Counseling

                        1.         Temporary/Bring behavior consistent with organizational standards

            C.        Mentoring

                        1.         Longer term/formal/mutual expectations

X.        Counseling Problem identification

        A.        Work related issues

                    1.         Lack of resources

                    2.         Overtime

                    3.         Fatigue

                    4.         Lack of proper training

                    5.         Lack of experience

        B.        Non work related issues

                    1.         Physical health

                    2.         Family life

                    3.         Extended family

                    4.         School

                    5.         Financial

XI.        Counseling plans

            A.        Necessary elements

                        1.         Specific problems that need to be addressed

                        2.         Specific instances when the problems occurred

                        3.         Reasons the behavior is a problem

                        4.         The supervisor or manager’s expectations

                        5.         Positive consequences for the employee

                        6.         Negative consequences for the employee

                        7.         If a supervisor does not take care of the problem

                        8.         Potential employee reaction

                        9.         How the supervisor or manager will handle the possible                                                                                     employee reaction

                        10.       Constructive ideas for employee improvement

                        11.       Proposed plan of action

                        12.       Proposed benchmarks

                        13.       Follow up and benchmark timelines



I.          Facilitation Skills

            A.        Best practices

                        1.         Roundtable discussion

                                    a.         What works?

                                    b.         What does not work?

                                    c.         Suggestions for improvement

                                    d.         Review of required paperwork

            B.        Facilitation skills

                        1.         Asking questions

                        2.         Facilitating dialogue

                        3.         Dealing with difficult students

                        4.         Handling disruptive students

                        5.         Discussing difficult issues

II.          DLI Session Two

  1. Roundtable discussion
  1. Designing DLI Session Two
  1. Course curriculum
  2. Exercises/student activities
  3. Video’s

III.         Five Dysfunctions of a Team

  1. Lack of trust
  2. Fear of conflict
  3. Lack of commitment
  4. Avoidance of accountability
  5. Inattention to results


IV.        Closing comments




I.          Practical Application

            A.  Co-facilitate 16-hour Leadership Development Program class
