Professional Standards

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department

Expanded Course Outline




COURSE NAME                              Professional Standards (1820-28161)


COURSE HOURS                           Eight (8)


INSTRUCTIONAL GOAL               Upon completion of this course the participant will be able to successfully demonstrate proficiency as a public service provider.


TARGET AUDIENCE                     Any person employed by a law enforcement agency.


INSTRUCTOR (S)                           Members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department 


METHODS OF INSTRUCTION     PowerPoint presentation


Group Workshops

Individual Exercises

Class Discussion


TRAINING MATERIALS     Prepared handout materials


Copies of the “Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)


Copies of the “Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Questionnaire”


Copies of “Telling It As They See It, What families Say about Getting       Services From Multiple Agencies,” March 2001


Copies of LACO “Service integration Action Plan (SIAP) for Children and Families, Goal No. 2: Customer Service and Satisfaction,” June 2002


Copies of LACO “Customer Service and Satisfaction Standards,” June 2002


Copies of LACO “Accessing Health and Human Services Programs, Most Commonly Requested Documents”  




Laptop Computer

LCD Projector

Portable Screen or White Board

Chart Paper


Expanded Course Outline - Professional Standards (continued)




Dry Eraser Markers

Permanent ink markers


REFERENCES/RESOURCES     Dr. Robert Spitzer, “Meaning of Life” Video series

                                                            Mr. Lou Tice, The Pacific Institute, “Imagine 21” video series     Plato, “Republic”

                                                            Dr. Albert Mehrabian, “Silent Messages” 1981


VIDEOS CLIPS                                “Christmas Vacation”

“Office Linebacker”

“Remember the Titans”

“Pygmalion Principle” (Mr. Lou Tice)

“Blue Angels”

“Self-Talk” (USC Coach Mr. Pete Carroll)

“Fort Apache Bronx”




At the conclusion of this course the student will be able to successfully demonstrate the significance of maintaining core principles, values, service delivery, and positive communications skills. Specifically, the participant will be able to:


A.        Identify the role that attitudes and beliefs play in shaping our interactions with others


B.        Describe the four levels of happiness and what we strive for determines our happiness, and influences our interactions with others


C.        Demonstrate the importance of self-talk, both negative and positive, and how it influences our behavior


            D.        Recite the three components of communication


E.        Distinguish the levels of listening and the importance of using them to improve communications


F.         Define the four levels of conflict and the four means of resolving each level


G.        Name conflict styles and the consequences of demonstrating that style


H.        Identify the characteristics of experiencing burnout and the use of options to remedy problematic areas

Expanded Course Outline - Professional Standards (continued)




  1. REGISTRATION/ORIENTATION                                                                                                                         30 minutes





II.                                                                     INTRODUCTIONS                                                                                       10 minutes

            A.        Who can tell me why we are here? (General description)

            1.  Describe role in a law enforcement organization

            2.  Solicit participants for specific duties, responsibilities, assignments, etc.




  1.  WANT TO VS. HAVE TO                                                                                           25 minutes

A.        Setting the tone/environment for conducive learning

1.  What’s in it for me?

2.  No exact remedies

3.  Increase employee satisfaction

4.  Reduces workload



            A.        Class Exercise (Break into small groups)

                        1.  How Do You Feel the County Treats You as an Employee?

2.  How Do You See Others Being Treated?

                                                                                                                                                     30 minutes


            A.        Discussion

1.  What Is Our Role in Customer Service? (General Description)

                        2.  Our Role Is to Be the “Directors of First Impression”



            B.        Class Exercise (Small Groups)

                        1.  What Is a Restrictive Belief You Have about Customer Service?

            C.       Show selected movie clips of “Remember the Titans

1.  Positive attitudes to create change




  1. BELIEFS                                                                                                                        30 minutes



A.        George Danzig (Pygmalion Principle)

B.        Scotoma Card (Practical Application Exercise)

C.        Attitudinal Balance Scale

D.        Change

1.  Self-examination

                        2.  Insight

                        3.  Expectations

                        4.  Self-concept

E.        Show “Blue Angels” Video

F.         Class Exercise (Visualization)




Expanded Course Outline - Professional Standards (continued)






  1. HAPPINESS                                                                                                                  60 minutes



            A.        Class Exercise (Small Groups)

1.  What Is Happiness?



            B.        Four Levels of Happiness

                        1.  Immediate Gratification

2.  Ego Gratification (Win-Lose)

3.  Others (Win-Win)

4.  The Ultimate        

                                                                                                                                                     60 minutes





  1. COMPONENTS OF COMMUNICATIONS                                                               60 minutes

            A.        Content (Self-talk)

1.  Self-Talk Cycle

     (a) Real Performance

     (b) Self-Image

     (c) Self-Talk                                 

            B.        Tone

            C.        Non Verbals (Show “Smile” Video Clip)


  1. LISTENING                                                                                                                    60 minutes

            A.        Levels of Listening (Show “Christmas Vacation” Video Clip)

1.  One Talk

2.  Selective Listening

3.  Attentive Listening

4.  Empathic Listening

            B.        Listening Obstacles Exercise (Small Groups)

            C.        Overcoming the Obstacles

            D.        Empathic Listening

1.  Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood



            E.        Class Exercise (Small Group-- Listening for 30 Seconds)




  1. CONFLICT/RESOLUTION                                                                                         60 minutes

            A.        Anxiety

B.        Supportive Response

            C.        Defensiveness

D.        Directives

            E.        Acting Out

F.         Loss of and Regaining Control (Show “Ft. Apache Bronx” Video Clip)

            G.        Tension Reduction

I.          Therapeutic Response

            J.         Class Exercise

1.  Conflict Resolution,  “Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Questionnaire”



Expanded Course Outline - Professional Standards (continued)



                                                                                                                                                     45 minutes




            A.        Class Exercise (Small Groups)




  1. TEST AND EVALUATION                                                                                          15 minutes