Driver's Training Update


                                         CONTINUED PROFESSIONAL TRAINING







            A.        Preparation of Necessary Class Documents


                        1.         Class roster.

                        2.         Grade cards.

                        3.         Waivers / Explanation of Facility Rules


II.          CLASSROOM PRESENTATION                                                   II (A,C,E,G)


            A.        Vehicle Dynamics and Control


                        1.         Instructs the student in the vehicle control techniques of precision

                                    vehicle operation.


                                    a.         Weight transfer

                                    b.         Steering control / safe backing

                                    c.         Speed judgment and throttle control

                                    d.         Road position


III.         DRIVING EXERCISES                                                                    II (A,C,D,E,G)                       

            A.        Collision Avoidance Exercise


1.         This exercise utilizes three parallel lanes of travel, each controlled by a traffic signal.  As the student approaches the signals, the pre-set light signals indicate the proper lane of entry.


2.         This problem is used to train the student to employ proper vehicle control in response to a potential emergency in lieu of a "panic" stop.


3.         Quick steering maneuvers, proper use of a vehicle weight transfer, and correct braking applications are stressed.


4.         The exercise is used as an indicator of the student's awareness and physical reaction capabilities.


            B.        High Speed Precision Driving Course


1.         The student will operate a vehicle around a two-mile operational driving course, complete with maneuvering problems and interfering instructor driven vehicles under "Code 3" conditions.


                        2.         This exercise enables the student to apply all the course driving                                                principles under controlled conditions.


                        3.         Serves to illustrate both driver and vehicle limitations in a variety of                                          driving situations and the stresses involved.


IV.        POLICY / CASE LAW                                                                      II (B,C,D,E,F,G)


            A.        Review Applicable Case Laws


                        1.         17001 CVC

                        2.         17004 CVC

                        3.         17004.7 CVC

                        4.         21052 CVC

                        5.         21055 CVC

                        6.         21056 CVC

                        7.         21057 CVC

                        8.         21806 CVC

                        9.         21807 CVC

                        10.       13519.8 CVC


B.        Review Notable Cases


1.         Kishida v. California - 17004.7 CVC only requires that an agency “adopt” a policy and does not specify compliance with that policy.


2.         Colvin v. Gardena - Gardena’s pursuit policy language was too “vague” allowing too much officer discretion in initiating and terminating pursuits.


3.         Peterson v. Long Beach - Because the City’s policy was stricter than State Law, a violation of that policy caused the City to incur civil liability.


4.         Lewis v. Sacramento County - Federal lawsuit alleging 14th Amendment violation. Set the “Shocks the Conscience” standard.


5.         Brower v. Inyo County - “Dead man’s Roadblock” used on non-violent offender resulted in court’s determination that the officer’s action “Shocked the Conscience.”



6.         Cruz v. Briseno - Incident involving “closing the distance.” Fleeing suspect killed innocent 3rd party in collision. Although deputy did NOT have emergency equipment activated, he was in fact “in pursuit.” Immunity under 17004 CVC and 17004.7 CVC applied.


7.         Nguyen v. City of Westminster - Westminster pursuit of stolen van that ended in a schoolyard during school hours. Suspect vehicle collided into a dumpster killing Mr. Nguyen. The Court held that Westminster was civilly immune under 17004.7 CVC. However, they cited that the law is flawed and should be reviewed.


C.        Department Policy Issues


1.         Code 9

                        2.         Surveillance Mode

                        3.         Clearing Intersections

                        4.         Blocking Intersections


D.        Review Stress and Coping Skills


V.        DRIVING EXERCISES                                                                    II (D,G,J,K)


            A.        City Street Hazard Complex - Pursuits


1.         The student is engaged in a supervised simulated pursuit of an instructor driven vehicle through a course configured to represent a city street complex.


                        2.         The student will also ride as a passenger in the instructor driven                                               "suspect" vehicle during a pursuit exercise.


3.         Proper judgment and hazards related to pursuit driving are emphasized, including live interference vehicles.


            B.        Skid and Recovery Exercise


1.         The student will maneuver a vehicle around a series of cones at various speeds, on a slick, wet driving surface.  The vehicle will be equipped with "slick" tires to add further difficulty with vehicle control.


                        2.         This exercise is designed to develop and test a student's ability to                                           utilize proper techniques regarding recovery of a sliding/skidding                                             vehicle.



3.         Upon gaining control of the sliding vehicle, proper brake application                techniques are used to stop the vehicle on wet pavement.




            A.        Program Review


B.        Question and Answer Period


C.        Completion of P.O.S.T. Evaluation Instrument