Driver's Training Instructor







I.       Registration and Orientation

          A.     Forms Completion

                   1.     Roster(s) and other agency or POST forms

                   2.     Evaluation forms

          B.     Facility Rules

                   1.      Safety and communication concerns

                   2.      Facility orientation


II.      Instructor Course Purpose

          A.     Standardize EVOC training

                    1.      Reduce collisions and liabilities

                    2.      Improve vehicle operating efficiency

                    3.      Increase awareness of using good judgment and

                            decision making                                                                                    


III.     Manual Familiarization

          A.     Emphasize importance of knowing material prior to training

                   1.     Designed to prepare the instructor to present EVOC


                   2.     Reference guide

                   3.     Establish credibility with student

          B.     Review key elements of manual

         1.     Chapter by chapter summary

                   2.     Review driving exercise diagrams


IV.    Current EVOC Courses

          A.     Basic Recruit

          B.     Reserve Officer

                   1.     Levels I, II, and III

         C.     In-Service

          D.     Driver Awareness

          E.      Driver Awareness Instructor

                  1.     Designed for sergeants and above

          F.      EVOC Instructor

          G.      Driving Simulator

          H.      Legal Intervention

                   1.      Spike strips

                   2.      Road Blocks

                   3.      Other tactics will be discussed

          I.       Executive Protection Driving


V.      Defensive Driving Factors

          A.      Learning Goal

                   1.     The student will understand the causes and

                           classifications of emergency vehicle accidents, and

                           techniques to avoid collisions.                                                                                   

          B.      Collision Statistics and Factors

                   1.      Collision Statistics

                             a.       Primary collision factors

                   b.       Statewide statistics

                   c.       Local statistics

                   2.      Contributory Causes

                             a.       Psychological factors

                             b.       Physiological factors

                             c.       Environmental factors

                             d.       Vehicular factors

          3.      Collision Classifications

                             a.       General classifications

                             b.       Agency policy


          C.      Vehicle Care and Maintenance

                   1.      Vehicle Abuse

                   2.      Vehicle Maintenance

                   3.      Pre-Operational Vehicle Inspection

                             a.       Systematic check of the vehicle


          D.      Defensive Driving Techniques

                   1.      Defensive Driving Components

                             a.       Driver

                             b.       Vehicle

                             c.       Environment

                   2.      Defensive Driving Tactics

                             a.       Space cushion

                             b.       Intersections

                             c.       Freeway driving

                             d.       Stopping

                             e.       Backing

                             f.       Lane changes


          E.      Occupant safety devices

                   1.      Seat belts

                   2.      Air bags


          F.      Adverse Operating Situations

                   1.      Skids

                   2.      Brakes

                   3.      Environmental

                   4.      Other factors


          G.      Commentary Driving

                   1.      Pre-driving

                   2.      Driving habits

                   3.      Freeway driving

                   4.      Night driving

                   5.      Attitudes


VI.    Vehicle Operations

          A.      Learning Goal

                   1.      The student will understand the concepts of vehicle dynamics, vehicle control techniques, braking and roadway position.

          B.      Vehicle Dynamics

                   1.      Methods of vehicle control

                             a.       Steering

                             b.       Braking

                             c.       Throttle

                   2.      Weight Transfer

                             a.       Lateral

                             b.       Longitudinal


          C.      Vehicle Control Techniques

                   1.      Steering control

                   2.      Throttle control

                   3.      Speed Judgment


          D.      Braking

                   1.      Braking dynamics

                   2.      Left-foot

                   3.      Controlled

           4.     Threshold

                   5.      Straight line

                   6.      Extended release

                   7.      Brake fade

                   8.      Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)



E.      Roadway Position

                   1.      Turn classifications

                   2.      Control considerations

                   3.      Speed control

                   4.      Reverse driving

                   5.      Formulas and reference tables


VII.   Emergency Driving Factors

          A.      Learning Goal

                   1.      The student will understand the legal and liability issues as they apply to emergency response driving, pursuit driving and the POST Pursuit Guidelines.

          B.      Legal Issues/Liabilities

                   1.      California codes

                             a.       Vehicle code

                             b.       Penal code

                             c.       Evidence code    

2.      California case law

                             a.       Summary of case

                             b.       Case law decision

                             c.       Impact on law enforcement

          C.      Book of Approved Jury Instructions (BAJI)

          D.      Federal case law

                   1.      Summary of case

                   2.      Case law decision

                   3.      Impact on law enforcement


          E.      Emergency Driving Operations

                   1.      General information

                   2.      Passing on the right

                   3.      Driving considerations

                   4.      Siren audibility

                   5.      Driving tactics


          F.      Vehicle Pursuit Operations

                   1.      Pursuit philosophy

                   2.      Pursuit Guidelines 13519.8 PC

                             a.       When to initiate a pursuit

                             b.       Number of units involved and their responsibilities

                             c.       Communications

                             d.       Supervisory responsibilities

                             e.       Driving tactics

                             f.       Blocking, ramming, boxing in and roadblock procedures

                             g.       Speed considerations

                             h.       Air support

                             i.       Termination

                             j.       Capture of suspects

                             k.       Interjurisdictional considerations

                             l.       Reporting and post-pursuit analysis


VIII.  Practical Application Exercises

          A.      Learning Goal

                   1.      The student will develop the proficiency and explain the techniques required to complete selected driving exercises from each of the categories from this section.  The student will also develop the ability to evaluate and remediate students.

          B.      Student Driving Skill Development

                   1.      Lesson plans for individual driving exercises

                             a.       Materials needed

                             b.       Goals and objectives

                             c.       Procedure to drive course

                             d.       Evaluation

          C.      Select exercises from the following categories in the manual that meet your program's needs:

                   1.      Vehicle placement

                   2.      Skid control

                   3.      Collision avoidance

                   4.      Backing

                   5.      Braking

                   6.      Performance driving

                   7.      Emergency response driving (Code-3)

                   8.      Pursuit driving

                   9.      Judgment and decision making

          D.      Exercises may be placed in a continuous loop to make a driving skill course:

                   1.      Parallel parking

                   2.      Turn-around Exercise

                   3.      "T" driveway

                   4.      Offset lane

                   5.      Steering course


          E.      Testing/Evaluation Techniques

                   1.      Written examinations

                             a.       POST Test Item Bank

                             b.       In-house written test

                   2.      Practical exercises

                             a.       Skills

                             b.       Knowledge

                             c.       Attitude

                             d.       Judgment

                             e.       Tactics

                             f.       Vehicle control

                             g.       Remediation

                             h.       Improve student performance

                             i.       Objective documentation

                             j.       Instructional evaluation consideration

                             k.       Four-step teaching method

                             l.       Driving experiences

                             m.     Remedial solutions

                             n.       Feedback

                             o.      Verbal communication skills

                             p.       Honest objective ratings

                             q.       Written communication skills (evaluations)

                             r.       Discipline, remediation and termination documentation

                   3.      Instructor development

                             a.       Design new exercises

                             b.       Setup, demonstration and drive exercise

                             c.       Teach exercise

                             d.       Staff evaluation


IX.     Course Management Components

          A.      Learning Goals

                   1.      The student will understand the process of site selection, safety considerations, obtaining equipment, scheduling training and instructors, planning for contingencies and ensuring proper student to instructor ratios when managing a course.


          B.      Course Management

                   1.      Site selection

                             a.       Site preparation  

                             b.       Resources

                             c.       Realistic course configurations

                   2.      Equipment and Materials

                             a.       Vehicles

                             b.       Course markers


                             c.       Equipment resources

                   3.      Safety and control (POST and Facility Safety Guidelines)

4.      Scheduling

                             a.       Frequency

                             b.       Record keeping                               

                   5.      Format and hours

                   6.      Contingency planning

                             a.       Alternate training sites

                             b.       Alternate instructors

                             c.       Backup vehicles

                   7.      Five-to-one student to instructor ratio


          C.      Instructional Equipment

                   1.      Audio - Visual equipment

                   2.      Visual aids

                   3.      Driving simulators

                   4.      Vehicles

                   5.      Communications and electronic equipment

                   6.      Safety and control equipment

                   7.      Additional equipment for high-speed course   


X.      Critique and Course Evaluation

          A.      Recap the weeks events

          B.      Complete Evaluations

                   1.      POST Evaluations

                   2.      Agency Evaluations