Driver Awareness ECO









I.          Course Goal

            A.        Learning Goal

                        1.         The student will comprehend the purpose, philosophy and overview of the Driver Awareness Instructor Course.


II.        Registration and Orientation

            A.        Forms completion

                        1.         Roster(s) and other agency or POST forms

                        2.         Evaluation forms

            B.        Facility rules

                        1.         Safety and communication concerns

                        2.         Facility orientation


III..      Instructor Course Purpose

            A.        Train a cadre of trainers

            B.        Increase frequency of refresher courses for in-service

            C.        Traffic Collision Reduction

            D.        Reduce Department Liability


IV.       Manual Familiarization

            A.        Learning Goal

                        1.         The student will understand the components of the Driver Awareness Course Instructor Manual, and how to find specific information.

            B.        Emphasize Importance of Knowing Material prior to Training

                        1.         Designed to prepare the instructor to teach the course

                        2.         Reference Guide

                        3.         Establish credibility with students

            C.        Review Key Elements of Manual

                        1.         Chapter by chapter summary

                        2.         Review all ten driving exercise diagrams


V.        Course Management

            A.        Learning Goal

                        1.         The student will understand the requirements of Driver Awareness Course Management, including site preparation, course design, equipment, resources, safety, control, evaluation of performance, scheduling, format, hours, documentation, and contingency planning.


            B.        Site Preparation

                        1.         Convenient location

                        2.         Adequate classroom facilities

                        3.         Avoid residential areas

                        4.         Flat surface

                        5.         Minimal obstructions (e.g., poles, curbs)

                        6.         Restrooms available

                        7.         Permits/approvals, if necessary

            C.        Course design

                        1.         Adequate spacing between exercises

                        2.         Five exercise course (chosen from exercises in this manual)

                        3.         Pre-marking of cone placements to reduce set-up time

                        4.         Design course for size of car

                        5.         Utilize one vehicle type when possible

            D.        Equipment / Resource Material

                        1.         Vehicles: Similar to patrol vehicle and mechanically safe with law enforcement equipment      

                        2.         Communications available

                        3.         Cones and delineators


                        4.         Additional equipment (e.g., spray paint, clipboards, and visual aids, etc.)

            E.         Safety and Control

                        1.         Available first aid kit/fire extinguisher

                        2.         Know hospital location

                        3.         Keep area free and clear of obstructions

                        4.         Provide proper supervision    

                        5.         Use seatbelts

                        6.         Do not allow high speeds or horseplay

                        7.         Area should be kept clear of other traffic during training

            F.         Evaluation of Performance

                        1.         Each student should be objectively evaluated, when possible

                        2.         Improvement needed evaluations require instructor comments

            G.        Remediate Weak Performance

            H.        Scheduling

                        1.         Refresher training every two years

                        2.         Identify and prioritize employees to be trained

                        3.         Record keeping

            I.          Format and Hours

                        1.         Eight hours minimum

                        2.         Recommended four hour lecture

                        3.         Student-to-instructor ratio shall follow POST safety guidelines

            J.          Documentation

                        1.         Student

                                    a.         Names

                                    b.         Evaluations

                                    c.         Dates and time of training

                        2.         Instructor

                                    a.         Names

                                    b.         Training

                                    c.         Experience

                                    d.         Lesson plan

            K.        Contingency Planning

                        1.         Alternate site

                        2.         Practice set-up

                        3.         Alternate classroom   

                        4.         Back-up instructors


VI.       Instructor Training Review

            A.        Learning Goal

                        1.         The students will understand the components of being an effective instructor.

            B.        Attributes of an Effective Instructor

            C.        Suggestions for Successful Instruction

            D.        Elements of Good Instruction

            E.         Four-Step Teaching Method

                        1.         Introduction

                        2.         Presentation

                        3.         Application

                        4.         Evaluation


VII.     Basic Driving Principles

            A.        Learning Goal

                        1.         The student will understand the elements of the Basic Driving Principles and their effects on vehicle control, which include: Weight Transfer, Steering Control, Throttle Control, Speed Judgment, Brake Application, and Roadway Position.

            B.        Basic Driving Principles

                        1.         Weight Transfer

                        2.         Steering Control

                        3.         Throttle Control

                        4.         Speed Judgment

                        5.         Brake Application

                        6.         Roadway Position

            C.        Proper Application and Coordination Results in Safety and Control

            D.        Seat Belt Usage (refer to Defensive Driving addendum)


VIII.    Driving Exercise Review

            A.        Learning Goal


                        1.         The student will understand the fundamentals of how to drive and present each of the exercises.

            B.        Students will observe an instructor driven demonstration of each exercise from

                         outside the vehicle                                                   

            C.        Walk through each exercise with an in depth explanation and discussion

            D.        Instructor drives and demonstrates with students in the vehicle


IX.       Legal Aspects and Code -3 Driving

            A.        Learning Goal

                        1.         The student will understand specific California statutes, Code-3 driving tactics, and case law decisions presented in the Driver Awareness Course.

            B.        California Law

                        1.         Vehicle Code

                                    a.         17001 C.V.C.

                                    b.         17004 C.V.C.

                                    c.         21055 C.V.C.

                                    d.         21056 C.V.C.

                                    e.         21806/21807 C.V.C.

                                    f.          22350 C.V.C.

                                    g.         17004.7 C.V.C.

            C.        Other state codes

                        1.         Section 13519.8 Penal Code

                                    a.         Mandates minimum standards for agency pursuit policy

                                    b.         Mandates minimum training standards for pursuit training

            D.        Section 669 Evidence Code

                        1.         Mandates policy compliance

                        2.         Violation of policy is negligence per se

            E.         Key element of Peterson vs. City of Long Beach Code-3 Liability Considerations

                        1.         Clearing intersections

                                    a.         Stop (if necessary)

                                    b.         Lane-by-lane

                        2.         Passing

                        3.         Speed awareness

                        4.         Limitations of emergency warning devices

            F.         Pursuit Driving

                        1.         13519.8 P.C. Pursuit Guidelines (refer to addendum 13519.8 PC)

                                    a.         Twelve Pursuit guidelines

                                    b.         Mandated by law

                        2.         Department policy requirements

            G.        Case Law

                        1.         Peterson vs. City of Long Beach

                        2.         Brummett vs. County of Sacramento

                        3.         Duarte vs. City of San Jose

                        4.         Grant vs. Petronella

                        5.         Stark vs. City of Los Angeles

                        6.         Federal case law considerations


X.        Second Set of Driving Exercises

            A.        Learning Goal

                        1.         The student will develop the ability to execute the driving principles of each exercise. 

            B.        Perfecting driving skills

            C.        Demonstrate the driving principles of each exercise

            D.        Remediation, if necessary


XI.       Evaluation of Student Driving Exercises

            A.        Learning Goal

                        1.         The student will develop the ability to evaluate the driving performance of other students.

            B.        Identify problems and provide feedback to student

            C.        Record driving performance


XII.     Demonstration Techniques For Driving Exercise

            A.        Learning Goal

                        1.         The student will understand how to explain and demonstrate the driving exercises and use of visual aids to assist in the instruction.

            B.        Driving speeds during demonstrations and training

            C.        Driving reference points

            D.        Driver/instructor communication and coordination

            E.         Miscellaneous tips on instructor expertise


XIII.    Student Lecture Presentations - Teacher Training

            A.        Learning Goal

                        1.         The student will demonstrate the ability to prepare a lesson plan on an assigned topic and give a fifteen-minute presentation.

            B.        Lesson Plan

            C.        Presentation

            D.        EVOC Instructor and audience critique


XIII.    Driving Exercises - Groups of Two

            A.        Learning Goal

                        1.         The student will develop the ability to present and evaluate each driving exercise.

            B.        Students will rotate from driver to instructor

            C.        Students will participate in both phases of each exercise


XIV.    Review and Critique of Course

            A.        Recap the weeks events

                        1.         Answer final questions