Chemical Agents Instructor








Chemical agent instructors must know chemical agent terminology, Penal Code sections regarding chemical agents, chemical agents used by law enforcement and chemical agent color coding. (Classroom instruction)


  1. Chemical Agents
    1. State the statutory requirements for the possession and use of chemical agents.
      1. 17240(a) P.C. Defines tear gas.
      2. 17250(a) (b) P.C. Defines chemical agent devices.
      3. 22810 P.C. Defines who may possess chemical agents.
      4. 13514 P.C. Defines who may instruct chemical agent training.
    2. Chemical agents used by law enforcement.
      1. O/C -  Oleoresin Capsicum
      2. C/N -  Chloroacetophenone
      3. C/S -   Otho-chlorobenzylidene-molononitrile
      4. H/C -   Hexachlorethane ( Smoke )
    3. Color Codes ( Law Enforcement )
      1. O/C - May vary
      2. C/N -  Red
      3. C/S -  Blue
      4. H/C - Yellow


Chemical agent instructors must be able to identify and explain different types of chemical agent devices and how various devices can be deployed and their contents disseminated. (Classroom)


  1. Chemical Agent Devices
    1. Hand held
      1. Aerosol sprays (O/C, Freeze + P etc.)
      2. Foggers

b. Hand thrown pyrotechnic devices

      1. C/N
      2. C/S
      3. H/C (smoke)
    1. Weapon launched devices
      1. C/N
      2. C/S
    2. Chemical agent weapons
      1. 37mm launcher
      2. 12 ga. Shotgun with canister attachment
      3. Launching cartridges


Chemical agent instructors must be able to identify the components of chemical agent devices as well as the chemical make up of the particular agent inside. (Classroom instruction)


  1. Device components
    1. Hand held aerosol canister
      1. Main body ( canister ) containing chemical agent
      2. Cap
      3. Nozzle
      4. Trigger or activator
      5. Safety mechanism
    2. Hand tossed chemical agent grenades
      1. Main body containing chemical agent
      2. Emission grove or port on main body
      3. Fuse body
      4. Pull ring attached to pin
      5. Fuse lever
      6. Hinge pin
      7. Spring
      8. Delay cartridge
      9. Striker
      10. Detonator
    3. Weapon specific ( launched ) devices
      1. Main body or cartridge containing chemical agent
      2. Projectile containing chemical agent
      3. Primer
    4. Launching cartridge
      1. Body or hull containing propellant
      2. Base
      3. Primer
  2. Chemical make up
    1. O/C
      1. Active agent, cayenne pepper
      2. In some cases mixed with C/S ( Freeze +P )
      3. Carrier ( water )
      4. Ultraviolet dye for L.E. identification
    2. C/N
      1. Two types of C/N. Solid used in grenades and projectiles and liquid used in aerosol devices and projectiles
      2. Solid form is a while crystalline substance resembling salt or sugar. It is one to ten microns in size.
      3. C/N is an organic compound
      4. One in one thousand people are allergic to C/N
    3. C/S
      1. White crystalline solid resembling talcum powder. It is one to ten microns in size.
      2.  Particles are smaller in size than C/N in its pure form
      3. Particles are heavier than air
      4. C/S is a synthetic compound
      5. One in ten thousand people are allergic to C/S
    4. H/C ( SMOKE )
      1. Two chemical types
      2. Hexachlorethane, a solid that when deployed appears as a burning smoke
      3. Titanium tetrachloride, in liquid form, when deployed appears as smoke. ( commonly used in aerial writing )


Chemical agent instructors must be able to explain and demonstrate when to effectively and safely deploy chemical agents. They must also be able to describe physical and environmental conditions that may affect the deployment. (Classroom instruction)


  1. Environmental conditions
    1. Weather
      1. Wind
        1. Speed and direction
      2. Rain
      3. Temperature
  2. Physical conditions
    1. Location
      1. Indoor ( inside a structure )
      2. Outdoors
      3. Outdoors but surrounded by perimeter walls
      4. Avenue of escape
        1. Indoors
        2. Outdoors
    2. Crowd
      1. Size ( number of people )
      2. Density


The chemical agent instructor must know and be able to explain the physical and psychological effects of chemical agents when disseminated. (Classroom instruction)


  1. Physical affects
    1. O/C ( Oleoresin Capsicum )
      1. Tearing agent
        1. Severe twitching of the face
        2. Involuntary closure of the eyes
      2. Inflammatory agent
        1. Respiratory inflammation for two to five minutes
        2. Coughing
        3. Gagging sensation
        4. Shortness of breath
        5. Burning and redness on the skin for up to 45 minutes ( even longer if pores are open )
        6. Temporary loss of upper body muscle control
        7. Temporary paralysis of the larynx
    2. C/N ( Cloroacetophone )
      1. Lachrymator ( tearing agent )
        1. Profuse tearing
        2. Involuntary closure of the eyes
        3. Slight irritation in the nose and throat
        4. Tightness in chest
        5. Burning sensation on moist body parts
        6. One in one thousand people are allergic to C/N
    3. C/S ( Orthochlorobenzalmalononitril )
      1. Lachrymator
        1. Profuse tearing
        2. Involuntary closure of the eyes
        3. Heavy mucus flow
      2. Irritant
        1. Irritation in the nose and throat
        2. Salivation
        3. Burning sensation on moist body parts
        4. Coughing and tightness in the chest
        5. Panic
    4. H/C ( Hexachlorethane ) Smoke
      1. Obscures vision
  2. Psychological affects
    1. O/C
      1. Shortness of breath
      2. Panic
    2. C/N
      1. Tightness in chest
      2. Shortness of breath
      3. Possible panic
    3. C/S
      1. Tightness in chest
      2. Shortness of breath
      3. Panic
    4. H/C ( Smoke )
      1. Disorientation
      2. Fear of chemical agent being used


Chemical agent instructors must be able to explain and demonstrate decontamination and first aid procedures when or after a person(s) is exposed   to chemical agents. (Classroom instruction)


  1. Decontamination ( Personal )
    1. O/C
      1. Vacate area of dissemination
      2. Treat affected body parts with fresh air and cleanse with soap and water
      3. Change clothing
      4. Launder contaminated clothing separate from other clothing
    2. C/N
      1. Vacate contaminated area
      2. Treat affected body parts with fresh air
      3. Change clothing
      4. Launder contaminated clothing separate from other clothing
    3. C/S
      1. Vacate contaminated  area
      2. Treat affected body parts with fresh air
      3. Change clothing
      4. Launder contaminated clothing separate from other clothing
    4. H/C
      1. Vacate area for fresh air
      2. Launder clothing due to odor
  2. Decontamination ( Indoor )
    1. O/C
      1. Aerate structure
      2. Open windows
      3. Use fans
    2. C/N
      1. Aerate structure
      2. Heat structure causing particles to become airborne
      3. Vacuum everything exposed
    3. C/S
      1. Aerate structure one to two hours ( Use fans )
      2. Close and heat structure for one hour
      3. Ventilate one hour and vacuum
    4. H/C
      1. Aerate structure by opening doors and windows and use fans
  3. Decontamination ( Outdoor )
    1. O/C
      1. Fresh air
      2. Hose down with  area water if needed
    2. C/N
      1. Fresh air
      2. Large amounts of residue can be hosed down with water
    3. C/S
      1. Fresh air
      2. Large amounts of residue can be hosed down with water
    4. H/C
      1. Fresh air
  4. First Aid
    1. O/C
      1. Fresh air ( face into wind or use fan )
      2. Cool, clean water
      3. Ice
      4. Non oil based soap and water
      5. Seek medical treatment if symptoms persist
    2. C/N
      1. Stay calm
      2. Fresh air ( face into wind or use fan )
      3. In severe cases rinse with a solution of 2% baking soda and water
      4. Seek medical treatment if symptoms persist
    3. C/S
      1. Stay calm
      2. Fresh air ( face into wind or use fan )
      3. In severe cases rinse with a solution of 5% baking soda and water
      4. Avoid greases and salves
      5. Seek medical treatment if symptoms persist
    4. H/C
      1. Fresh air
      2. Supplemental oxygen
      3. Seek medical treatment if symptoms persist


 Chemical agent instructors must be able to explain proper maintenance and storage procedures with regards to chemical agents. (Classroom instruction)


  1. Storage facility
    1. O/C, C/N, C/S, H/C
      1. Restricted access
      2. Temperature controlled between 65-80 degrees
      3. Humidity controlled between 30-50 %
      4. Munitions remain packed in original packing until needed
      5. Segregate inventory by agent and munitions type
      6. Store munitions on rack or shelves not on floor
      7. Facility should be fire proof with no windows
      8. Humidity and heat are the biggest threat to the integrity of chemical agent devices as they induce deterioration of primers, delay elements, propelling charges, detonators and bursting charges
  2. Maintenance
    1. O/C, CN, C/S, H/C
      1. Check for exterior damage to devices
      2. Check for leakage
      3. Check for residue
      4. Check expiration dates
      5. Disposal of any defective or outdated munitions and devices
        1. Use outdated munitions for training purposes
        2. Properly dispose of any defective devices and munitions
          ( Department policies may vary depending on agency)


 Chemical agent instructors must know the components of a gas and understand how they work. They must also know how to properly don a gas mask and to check it for a proper fit. The instructor must be able to demonstrate this procedure as well. The instructor must also be able to explain how to properly store and maintain a gas mask. (Classroom instruction)


  1. Gas mask
    1. Types
      1. Canister filter
      2. Cheek filter
    2. Inspection
      1. Mask body
      2. Lens(s)
      3. Straps
      4. Filter( s) and intake ports
      5. Exhalation port
      6. Drinking tube
    3. Donning
      1. Proper fit ( size )
      2. Proper seal
      3. Strap adjustment
    4. Clearing
      1. After contamination during use
    5. Cleaning
      1. After use
    6. Storage
      1. Short term and long term


Chemical agent instructors must know federal and state regulations with regards to possession and deployment of chemical agents.  Law Enforcement Officers must know the policies of their respective departments as they may vary. (Classroom instruction)


  1. Department Policy (L.A.S.D.)
    1. Field Operations
      1. Authorized devices
      2. Deployment
      3. Storage and maintenance
    2. Custody Division
      1. Authorized devices
      2. Deployment
      3. Storage and maintenance
    3. Specialized units (SEB)
      1. Authorized devices


Chemical agent instructors must be able to demonstrate how to safely and effectively deploy chemical agent devices. (Practical application exercise conducted on All Purpose Range and will have a ratio of one instructor for one student)


  1.  Practical application exercise. Deployment of live devices.
    1. Swab test of all students to detect any allergic reactions to agents being used. (C/S, C/N)
    2. Students will throw various hand tossed devices to experience and understand the proper procedure when deploying them.
      1. 514 C/S grenade
      2. 515 C/S grenade
      3. 519 C/S grenade
      4. 520 C/S grenade
      5. 555 C/S grenade
    3. Students will use the 37mm chemical agent launcher to become familiar with its operation and effectiveness.
      1. Launch various devices such as the 501 Muzzle Blast
    4.  Students will use shotgun with canister launching attachment to become familiar with its operation and effectiveness.
      1. Launch various devices such as the 555 Burning Grenade
    5. Students will experience chemical agent exposure in an open area without the use of a gas mask to become familiar with its characteristics and effects.
    6. Students will deploy O/C using hand held spray canister to learn proper techniques.


Chemical agent instructors and law enforcement officers must be able to function and operate in a chemical agent environment with and without a gas mask.

(Practical exercise conducted in facility gas house and on the All Purpose Range and will have a ratio of one instructor for two students)


  1. Exposure to chemical agents practical application exercises
    1. Exposure to C/S with gas mask
      1. Inside a closed facility
      2. Outside in open air
    2. Exposure to C/S without gas mask
      1. Inside a closed facility
      2. Outside in open air
    3. Exposure to O/C
      1. Inside a closed facility
      2. Direct application (spray) to student outdoors


Students participating in this course of instruction will be required to take and pass a written exam prior to certification as a Chemical Agent Instructor. (Classroom)


  1. Written test
    1. Multiple choice exam
      1. Chemical agent types
      2. Color coding
      3. Chemical agent device types
      4. Chemical agent device components
      5. Physical effects of chemical agents
      6. Decontamination
      7. First aid
      8. Storage of chemical agents
      9. Gas mask


Every chemical weapons instructor should understand and be able to apply adult learning concepts to aid in the training of students. (Classroom instruction)



  1. Adult Learning Concepts
    1. Bloom’s Taxonomy
      1. Consider what level of learning you want to provide
      2. Evaluate the material you are presenting
    2. Four modalities of learning
      1. Visual learner
      2. Auditory learner
      3. Tactile learner
      4. Kinesthetic learner
    3. Have the ability to apply teaching techniques that appeal to all the different learning styles
      1. Converger
      2. Diverger
      3. Assimilator
      4. Accommodator
    4. Ask open ended questions