Firearms Semi-Automatic Pistol




FIREARMS (PSP) - 1820-31810




The course will train personnel in the nomenclature, function and use of the Smith and Wesson M&P, 9mm duty handgun.  The course will provide the student with the minimum topics of tactical firearms and lethal force required in the POST perishable skills program (PSP).  The student will develop the necessary firearms tactical knowledge and skills to survive and win a realistic force encounter.


This course consists of hands on / practical skills firearms training for in-service deputies.

The training will be presented in an 8 hour format.



Minimum Topics / Exercises:

a.         Basic tactical

b.         Student evaluation

c.         Safety guidelines / orientation

d.         Sight alignment, trigger control, accuracy

e.         Target recognition and analysis

f.          Weapons clearing

g.         Live fire tactical

h.         Policy and / or legal issues

i.          Use of force considerations (options)

j.          Moral obligations




The student will:


A.        Demonstrate knowledge of the Department Use of Force / Firearms Policy.


B.         Demonstrate a minimum standard of tactical handgun proficiency with every technique, exercise and course of fire to include:

1.         Judgement and decision making

2.         Weapons safety

3.         Basic presentation technique

4.         Fundamentals of shooting

5.         Target / non-target identification

6.         Speed, accuracy, effectiveness under stress and movement conditions

7.         Shot placement: stopping power - multiple rounds

8.         Use and manipulation of a weapon mounted light





Minimum standards of performance shall be evaluated by an instructor observing the student during their performance of each technique, exercise and course of fire.  If the student does not meet the minimum standards, reasonable remedial training will be provided until the standard is met.




I.                                                                                                                                  Introduction/Orientation                                                                                     (c)


A.                                                                                Introduction, registration and orientation.          

B.         Course objectives, overview of the training, evaluation.

C.        Issuance of safety equipment (if needed by the student).


II.         Lethal Force Overview **These topics are reviewed on the firing line at individual ranges and are continuously reinforced throughout the training** (h,i,j)

A.        Legal/moral/ethical issues involving use of force/lethal force.

B.         Civil implications of using force/lethal force.

C.        Review of Department Policy regarding use of force/lethal force.

D.        Review of Department firearms policy.

E.         Use of force within the spectrum of force options.





Peace officers must know and practice all procedures for the safe handling of all firearms while on and off duty.




III.       Firearms Safety


A.                                                                                                                    State the four fundamental rules of firearms safety                          (c)

      1. Treat all firearms as if they are loaded
      2. Never point the muzzle at anything you are not willing to shoot.
      3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you have made the decision to shoot.
      4. Be sure of your target, backstop and what is beyond.


B.         Explain basic safety guidelines to be followed at a firing range    (c)

1.         Keep your gun in the holster until you are told otherwise.

2.         If you do not understand the directions or course of fire, keep your gun pointed downrange and raise your non-gun hand.  Do not turn around or step off the line.

3.         Always maintain safe control of your gun.  Do not leave firearms unattended.

4.         Eye and ear protection must be worn.

5.         Follow all range rules.

6.         Follow instructor commands.

7.         Maintain strict weapon discipline and muzzle control.


C.                                                                                                                    Weapon Clearing                                                                                  (f)

1.         Magazine removal

2.         Lock slide open

3.         Visual/Physical inspection




Department personnel will be trained in the nomenclature, function and use of the Smith and Wesson M&P, 9mm duty handgun.  This training will allow personnel currently trained on and carrying the department issued Beretta 92FS (or any other optional duty firearm) to deploy and use the Smith and Wesson M&P 9.  Training will include tactical and combat handgun techniques.  These exercises are designed to include all basic fundamentals regarding the use of the student’s duty handgun.  These drills include rapid decision making, shoot/no shoot decisions, multiple targets, positional shooting, use of cover and movement to cover.  The student will be evaluated on the skills reviewed and practiced during these courses of fire.  At the conclusion of the handgun tactical training, the student will be able to demonstrate basic handgun fundamentals, including the safe handling, loading, and clearing of their duty handgun.  Additionally, they will be able to demonstrate the fundamentals needed for accurate and effective fire.  Personnel will watch the LASD Tactical Pistol Light video which addresses department policies regarding the use of a weapon mounted flashlight.




V.                                Nomenclature  


A.        Disassembly

1.         Inspect weapon for live ammunition

2.         Lock open slide

3.         Rotate Sear Disconnect

4.         Rotate Take Down Lever

5.                                                         Remove Slide Assembly          

6.         Remove recoil spring/guide rod

7.         Remove barrel


B.         Components

1.         Frame

2.         Slide

3.         Barrel

4.                                                         Recoil Spring/Guide Rod         


C.                                Reassembly     

1.         Replace Barrel

2.                                                                     Replace recoil spring/guide rod

3.         Replace Slide assembly

4.         Function check




VI        Care and Cleaning


A.        Cleaning Components

1.         Solvent

2.         Oil

3.         Bore Brush

4.         Jag/patch holder

5.                                 Patches


B.                                                         Areas to Clean            

1.         Barrel

2.                                 Slide                

3.         Frame

4.         Magazine Well


C.                                            Lubrication Points        

1.         One (1) drop one each rail insert in the frame

2.                                                                                                         One (1) drop on the muzzle of the barrel                             

3.         One (1) drop on the top front corners of the barrel hood

4.         One (1) drop on the tail of the trigger bar



VII.      Tactical Handgun Training


A.                                                                                                        Shooting fundamentals (live fire)                                                 (a, b, d, e, f, i)

1.         Drawing and presenting from the holster

2.         Sight alignment, trigger control and accuracy

3.         Target recognition and analysis

4.         Weapons manipulation (administrative loading and unloading or clearing)

5.         Use and manipulation of weapon mounted light


B.                                                                                                         Positional shooting (live fire)                                        (a, b, d, e, g, i)

1.         Two hand point shoulder shooting

2.         One hand point shoulder shooting

3.         Close Contact Position shooting

4.         Shooting from positions of cover



C.                                                                                                        Loading and re-loading (live fire)                                                  (a, b, d, e, g)

1.         Administrative loading

2.         Speed re-loading

3.         Tactical re-loading


D.                                                                                                        Malfunction clearance (live fire)                                                  (a, b, d, e)

1.         Phase I malfunction clearing

2.         Phase II malfunction clearing






Department personnel will participate in tactical based training exercises, which employs the use of the handgun.  These exercises will incorporate the use of cover/moving to cover, shooting on the move and speed/tactical reloads.




VIII.     Tactical/situational training


A.                                                                                                                    Barricade and movement Drill                                                                                                            (a, b, d, e, g)

1.                  This exercise is designed to expose the student to shooting on the move and shooting from behind cover.  The skills practiced in this drill are meant to be used as skill building exercises and to simulate conditions commonly experienced in an ongoing gun battle. 





A.                                                                                                                                Testing                                                                                                 (b)

1.                                 24 Round Handgun Test

i.          Maximum score 240, Minimum score 200


Students will be evaluated by the staff continuously throughout the training.  The staff will observe and evaluate students in the following areas: safety, manipulations (including weapons handling and use of equipment), handgun accuracy.  Any student observed to have deficiencies in these areas will be given remedial training by the Weapons Training Staff until they demonstrate improvement. 




Effective date of outline:            02/01/12