Learning Domain Firearms

Effective date of outline:       October 15, 2019



Peace officers must know and practice all procedures for the safe handling of all firearms while on and off duty. 


      1. State the four fundamental rules of firearms safety.
        1. Treat all firearms as if they are loaded
        2. Do not muzzle anything you are not willing to destroy
        3. Keep your finger off the trigger, and on the frame, until you have made the decision to shoot

4.         Always be aware of your target, backstop, and what is beyond


      1. Explain basic safety guidelines to be followed at a firing range
        1. Entering the firing range
        2. On the firing line

      3.         When weapons are unholstered


      1. Describe the safety precautions for proper storage of firearms
        1. If a child gains access to a firearms and causes injury or death with it, the owner of that firearm may face criminal charges for negligence
        2. Legally store all firearms in accordance with 25100(a)(1) PC

      3.         Take all precautions against theft by storing firearms in a secure

      location and in a locked container or locking device if secure container

      not available



Peace officers must know the workings, the capabilities, and limitations of firearms in order to operate them safely and effectively.




      1. Describe the basic information about a semiautomatic pistol and magazine, including: 
        1. Primary components and their functions
        2. Steps for loading/unloading
        3. Steps for rendering the semiautomatic pistol safe



      1. Describe the cycle of operation that takes place with each single pull of a semiautomatic pistol trigger.
        1. Ignition of the primer and firing of the round
        2. Unsealing the breech end of the chamber and unlocking the barrel
        3. Extracting the spent casing from the chamber
        4. Ejecting the spent casing out through the ejection port
        5. Returning the firing mechanism to the cocked position ready to fire another round
        6. Feed another round into the slide
        7. Chambering a round
        8. Sealing the round in the breech end of the chamber and locking the barrel


      1. Describe the basic information about a revolver, including:
        1. Primary components and their functions
        2. Steps for loading/unloading
        3. Steps for rendering the revolver safe




Peace officers must know the capabilities and limitations of the ammunition they use in their firearms to operate them safely and effectively. 


A.        State the guidelines for the safe handling of ammunition

1.         Treat every round as though it were fully charged and capable of discharging

2.         Use only the type and caliber of ammunition specifically recommended by the firearm’s manufacturer

3.         Never fire at a threat you do not intend to hit

                          4.         Avoid dropping live rounds or hitting them with any object

                          5.         Learn the sound and feel of a good firing, and know what to do when a

                                      round misfires

  6.         All ammunition should be replaced on a regular basis

7.         Never use ammunition where the pressure levels exceed industry standards for firearm used


B.         Describe the primary components of firearm cartridges

1.         Primer

2.         Powder charge

3.         Bullet

  4.         Cartridge case

  5.         Blank shell


C.        Explain the chain of events that takes place when a projectile is discharged from a                      cartridge.

1.       Primer detonated

2.       Powder ignited

  3.       Bullet expelled



Peace officers must know how to properly inspect, clean, and care for their firearms to ensure that they function safely and effectively. 


A.        Describe the components that may prevent problems and that should be examined during a routine safety inspection.

1.       Barrel

                          2.       Frame

                          3.       Sights

                          4.       Cylinder

                          5.       Cylinder release

                          6.       Firing pin

                          7.       Grip

                          8.       Magazine

                          9.       Slide

                         10.      Extractor

                         11.      Ejector

                         12.      Magazine Release


B.         Describe the materials, equipment, and environment needed to properly clean firearms.

1.         Cleaning materials

                          2.         Cleaning equipment


C.        Apply routine procedures for cleaning firearms.

1.           Unload and rendering firearm safe

2.           Disassemble

3.           Cleaning

4.           Inspect

5.           Lubricate

6.           Reassemble

6.           Function check



            Peace officers must comprehend and practice the fundamental skills of firing firearms to be effective in reactive and precision situations during live fire exercises.


A.        Apply the proper steps for drawing and holstering.

B.         Demonstrate the following elements to accurately shoot a firearm:

            1.         Grip

            2.         Stance

            3.         Breathing

            4.         Sight picture

            5.         Sight Alignment

            6.         Trigger control

            7.         Follow-through


C.        Describe the types of malfunctions and demonstrate clearing methods for: 

1.         Semiautomatic pistols

2.         Revolvers




Exercise testing is mandated and regulated by POST Commission Procedure D-1, which states:


Academies/presenters shall provide the following to students who fail a required exercise test on the first attempt:


  • An opportunity to review their test results
  • A reasonable amount of time, as determined by the academy/presenter, to prepare for a retest
  • An opportunity to be retested on the failed test, if the student fails the second test, the student fails the course
    Required exercise testing, for each format of the basic course is set forth in the Training and Testing Specifications (TTS).  The student is required to successfully pass each exercise test outlined below for the specific course of instruction the student is enrolled in.
    All firearms exercise testing must be conducted under written academy/presenter safety procedures and or protocols established in accordance with the POST safety guidelines.  Students are required to comply with every aspect of presenter safety procedures and or protocols during firearms training and testing.
    I.          An exercise test developed by POST that specifically prescribes the PC 832/Module III course of fire, which requires the student to demonstrate basic handgun shooting principles under daylight conditions.
                            Using a presenter approved handgun, the student must:
  • Fire 36 rounds of service ammunition and
  • Achieve a minimum score of 29 hits in the 7-ring on a
  • B-27 single target
                            The P.C. 832 Handgun Course of Fire:
  • 12 rounds must be fired from a distance of 3 yards in 30 seconds
  • 12 rounds must be fired from a distance of 7 yards in 30 seconds
  • 12 rounds must be fired from a distance of 15 yards in 45 seconds
    The student is required to tactically load and reload the handgun using the loading device             authorized by the presenter and successfully clear any malfunctions that may occur during the course of fire.
    The student will demonstrate competency in the following performance dimensions:
                            1.         Firearms Safety
                            2.         Mechanical Functions
                            3.         Manipulations
                            4.         Basic Shooting Principles
                            5.         Accuracy
    Presenters must use the POST-developed PC832/Module III Firearms Competency Exercise Test Form or a presenter-developed form approved by POST, which minimally includes the performance dimensions used for this exercise test.
    C.        Each student will participate in a learning activity designed to reinforce the ability to manipulate their assigned firearm.
    If the firearm is a semiautomatic pistol, the learning activity shall minimally include the following techniques to safely and effectively manipulate the semiautomatic pistol in both the left and right hand:
          1. the weapon safe
          1. slide
          2. slide open
          1. slide
          1. weapon
          2. weapon
          3. Weapon
          4. weapon from the holster
          5. any malfunctions
          6. battery reload
          1. of battery speed reload

    If the firearm is a revolver, the learning activity shall minimally include the following techniques to safely and effectively manipulate the revolver in both the left and right hand: 
    1.         Render the weapon safe
    2.         Open cylinder
    3.         Close cylinder
    4.         Holster weapon
    5.         Unholster weapon
    6.         Load/reload revolver with authorized loading device
    7.         Clear any malfunctions
        1. student will participate in a learning activity to reinforce the ability to inspect, clean and properly maintain their service handgun.  activity shall minimally include techniques to:
          1. inspect the weapon
          2. clean the weapon
          1. the weapon is maintained according to the manufacturer's specifications

    Students shall be provided with a minimum number of instructional hours on firearms.
    Description                                                         Hours
    POST Minimum Required Hours                      __24__
    Agency Specific Hours                         ___ 0__
    Total Instructional Hours                                   __ 24__