Tactical Communications







Expanded Course Outline



Time:                            2  hours


Instructors(s):               Sworn member(s) of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department


Resources:                    LASD -Field Operations Training Unit (CPT- Tactical Communication); Advanced Officer Training- ;Ca. P.O.S.T. Training; LASD - Tactics & Survival Training Unit (Laser I curriculum).


Goal:                            The course will provide the student with the minimum topics of Tactical Communications required in the POST Perishable Skills Training Program. The intent of the course is to improve the students ability to generate voluntary compliance through the art of persuasion and utilizing the tools of interpersonal communication. The student will receive an overview of Tactical Communication concepts such as: tactical communication within the Use-of-Force Options Chart, communication elements, inappropriate language, questioning techniques and other communication principles.


Performance Objectives:


At the conclusion of this block of instruction, the student(s) will to the satisfaction of the instructor be able to:



                        1.         Clarify the Communication Process

                        2.         Describe Active Listening techniques

                        3.         Describe Communication techniques for Voluntary Compliance



Methods & Media:       Lecture, question and answer- facilitation of group discussion and exercise, video clips, white board and markers, flip charts, handouts, props, powerpoint presentation, practical application scenarios.



Minimum Topics/Exercises:



            A.        Class exercises/ student evaluation/ testing

            B.         Tactical- officer to: officer/suspect/citizen

            C.        Tactical Communication role within the Use-of-Force Options Chart

            D.        Communication Elements (e.g. approach, body language, posturing, observing,

listening, asking, paraphrasing, redirecting, defusing, responding, interest, empathy,

                        influence, resolution).

            E.         Officer safety (e.g. positioning, environment, reading suspect(s), control/voluntary


            F.         Professional/non-professional/inappropriate language

            G.        Intentional/unintentional contact escalation versus de-escalation

            H.        Questioning techniques (e.g. fact finding, leading, opinion/feedback, general).






Expanded Course Outline



  1. Introduction



    1. Registration
    2. Course Overview
    3. Course Goals
      1. Safety- yours and theirs
      2. Enhanced professionalism
      3. Decrease in complaints
      4. Decrease in liability
      5. Lessen personal stress
    4. Course Objectives


  1. Instructional Resources


    1. Verbal Judo history and background (tactical communication)


  1. Tactical Communication role within the Use-of-Force Options Chart              IV-Tactical(c)


    1. Command presence, verbal communication (Compliance)
    2. Control holds, firm grip, OC Spray, defensive tactics (Resistive)
    3. Less lethal weapons, personal weapons, impact weapons (High Risk/Assaultive)
    4. Lethal Force, Impact strikes to vital areas (Deadly Force/Assault with force likely to produce serious bodily injury)


  1. Communication Elements                                                                                  IV-Tactical (d)


    1. Content- 7-10% has little power to persuade or convince
    2. Voice-   33-40%
      1. Tone- attitude 90% of complaints are tone related
      2. Pace-   slow/fast vs. pitch
        1. I never said he stole the money
    3. Other Non-Verbals- 50-60% presence


  1. Professional/Non-professional/ Inappropriate language                          IV-Tactical (f)


    1. Separate attitude from behavior. Focus only on behavior.
    2. You are a Peace Officer-   where you go there should be Peace.
    3. Re-spect vs. respect



  1. Five Types of Questioning Techniques                                                   IV-Tactical (h)


    1. Fact finding- who, what, where, when, why and how
    2. General- open ended. “What’s the matter....?”
    3. Direct- Yes or No
    4. Leading- Putting words in other’s mouths
    5. Opinion seeking- “Is there some way we can handle this?”


  1. Tactical Officer To: Officer/Suspect/Citizen                                                       IV-Tactical (b)


    1. Greeting
    2. ID self/dept.
    3. Reason for stop
    4. Any justified reason
    5. Driver’s license
    6. Registration and Insurance
    7. Decision
    8. Close


  1. Intentional/Unintentional Contact                                                                       IV-Tactical (g)

            Escalation vs. De-escalation


            A.        The Five Step “Hard Style”

                        1.         Ask

                        2.         Set Context

                        3.         Present Options

                        4.         Confirmation

                        5.         Act

            B.         Soler

                        1.         Square off

                        2.         Open posture

                        3.         Looking interested

                        4.         Eye contact

                        5.         Relaxed


  1. Officer Safety- S.A.F.E.R. Concept                                                                  IV-Tactical (e)


    1. Security
    2. Attack
    3. Flight
    4. Excessive repetition
    5. Revised priorities


  1. Class Exercise/Student Evaluations/Testing                                                        IV-Tactical (a)


    1. Evaluate students role playing the tactical 8-step
    2. Evaluate students role playing the 5-step “Hard Style”


            Testing: Any student scoring below standard on any exercise, as IV-Tactical (a)

            established by the presenter, will be remediated, testing until standard

            is achieved.