Supervisor School

POST Basic Supervisory Course

(Sergeant=s Super School) 1820-00400



Expanded Course Outline



I.                Introductions / Administrative Details (1.5 Hours)

A.     Student Introductions

1.      Students pair up with a person they do not know

2.      Students state three facts to the class about the other student

B.     Administrative

1.      Sign rosters

2.      Cover schedule


II.               Project Introduction

A.     Course Requirements for Students

1.      Conduct a realistic counseling session

2.      Prepare a written performance evaluation of one Supervisor=s Fictitious Team (SFT) member

3.      Prepare a briefing on a law enforcement topic


III.             Supervisor=s Fictitious Team #1-2

A.     Discuss impact of SFT videos on this course

1.      Counseling session

2.      Performance Evaluation

B.     Play video scenes #1 & #2

1.      Discuss scenes

a.      Relationships


IV.             Supervisory Traits

A.     Divide class into groups

1.      Specific good traits

2.      Specific bad traits


V.              View Crimson Tide Movie

A.     Handout

1.      Characters and questions




VI.             Crimson Tide Discussion

A.     Supervisory Issues

1.      Examples for discussion


VII.            DiSC Administration ( Dominance, influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness )

A.     Complete DiSC inventory

1.      Score tests

2.      Post scores on flip chart after Journaling


VIII.           Journaling

A.     Introduce concept

B.     Three questions

1.      What have you learned about supervision?

2.      What have you learned about yourself?

3.      What questions do you have?


IX.             Critical Incident Questionnaire

A.     Important tools to aide discussion of The Human Side of Critical Incident Management

1.      Share candid incidents with the class


X.              DiSC Discussion

A.     Inventory and relevance to supervisors

1.      Goals

B.     Personal Profile System Facilitator=s Kit

1.      Useful preparation tools


XI.             Transition Issues

A.     Expectations of Supervisors

1.      Management

2.      Subordinates

3.      Community

4.      Peers


XII.            Intro Student Briefing

A.     Various law enforcement topics

1.      Teach back to class




XIII.          Supervisor=s Fictitious Team #3

A.     Sergeant Briefing

1.      Lack of preparation

2.      Interaction with subordinates



XIV.          Supervisor=s Get Acquainted Exercise

A.     How to find information regarding employee performance

1.      Hand out Sergeant=s desk drawer


XV.           Supervisor Fictitious Team #4

A.     Vasquez= motivation

1.      Halo Effect


XVI.          Max and Max Video

A.     Personal Values

1.      Leadership style

B.     Organizational Values

1.      Actions


XVII.         Ethics

A.     Ethical dilemma

1.      Individual

2.      Group


XVIII.        Briefing Team 1

A.     Presentation techniques

1.      Interactive

2.      Visual aides

3.      Relevance of subject

a.      Up to twelve various briefings by partners throughout course


XIX.          Supervisor=s Fictitious Team Personnel Files

A.     Review Files

1.      Note discrepancies

2.      Reliability of  information


XX.           Human side of Critical Incident Management

A.     Focus on human issues rather than scene management

1.      Personal aspects

2.      Psychological aspects

XXI.          Situational Leadership

A.     No single way to manage

1.      Discuss various management styles

2.      Ability to transfer skills learned into reality



XXII.         Supervisor=s Fictitious Team #5-7

A.     Identify power and authority issues

1.      Document information in supervisor=s desk drawer

2.      Facilitate each documentation


XXIII.       Supervisor=s Fictitious Team #23

A.     Transition of power and authority

1.      Discuss class opinions regarding character Vacelli=s actions

2.      Alternative approach


XXIV.       Power and authority

A.     Personal Perception profile

1.      Explain difference between power and authority

2.      Develop a list of the sources of a sergeant=s power


XXV.        Legal issues

A.     Employee Rights

1.      Government Code 3300

a.      Peace Officer Bill of Rights

2.      Legal ramifications of counseling and evaluating employee performance

3.      Case law relative to employee discipline and investigating personnel complaints

4.      Release of employee information


XXVI.       Supervisor=s Fictitious Team # 8-11

A.     Interpersonal relationships

1.      Sergeant=s role in dealing with personal events


XXVII.      Counseling Discussion and Practice

A.     Emphasize the need to pre-plan counseling sessions

1.      Practical application in small groups




XXVIII.     Supervisor=s Fictitious Team Review

A.     Get feedback from class regarding supervisor=s actions

1.      Group discussion of each character

2.      Post feedback on a flip chart


XXIX.       Performance Evaluation

A.     Power point presentation

1.      Pitfalls and techniques for preparing evaluations



XXX.        Supervisor=s Fictitious Team # 12-14

A.     Performance evaluation interview and reaction

1.      Delivery method by Sergeant

2.      Flaws in presentation


XXXI.       Critical Incident Challenge

A.     Break students into groups

1.      Design a critical incident for each group

a.      Challenging groups will critique various responses


XXXII.      Supervisor=s Fictitious Team # 15-16

A.     Traffic stop (Jones)

1.      Sergeant=s reaction and evaluation

a.      Officer=s demeanor

b.      Is the arrest proper

c.      Canvass area for witnesses

B.     Are comments indicative of personal relationship problems

1.      Sergeant=s role


XXXIII.    Supervisor=s Fictitious Team # 17-19

A.     Traffic Stop (Ward)

1.      Disciplinary options

2.      Training options


XXXIV.    Problem Solving

A.     Present as problem solving structures to law enforcement

1.      Unique to emphasize supervisor=s responsibilities

a.      Personnel issues

2.      Acknowledge problem exists



XXXV.     Supervisor=s Fictitious Team # 20-21

A.     Civilian complaint

1.      Sworn-civilian relations

a.      How to work together as one unit rather than two separate entities

2.      Sergeant=s reaction


XXXVI.    Stress management

A.     Effective techniques in dealing with personnel

1.      Identifying stress indicators



XXXVII.   Supervisor=s Fictitious Team #22

A.     Jail staffing

1.      Sworn-civilian interaction

2.      Inappropriate comments by Ward


XXXVIII.  Evaluation practice

A.     Discuss prepared evaluations

1.      Practice presentation utilizing two students

2.      Critique of evaluation by third student


XXXIX.    Work on and turn in evaluations

A.     Divide class into SFT member groups

1.      Compare and contrast evaluations from other students


XL.            Employee Discipline

A.     Presenters of presentations of employee discipline may adapt them to this time slot

1.      Effective guide for discipline


XLI.          Counseling scenario preparation

A.     Identified coaches present specific problems to each group

1.      Coaches can answer questions and facilitate discussion

a.      Techniques students might use


XLII.         Live counseling exercises

A.     Students deliver performance evaluations/counseling to SFT actors

1.      Performance in the delivery of evaluation is critiqued by coaches

B.     Debrief counseling exercises in group format

1.      Give good and bad feedback from group discussion to entire class


XLIII.        Show Glory video

A.     Facilitate discussion regarding Situational Leadership concepts

1.      Give examples of an R-1, S-2, etc.


XLIV.        Team building

A.     Four stages of team building

1.      Form

2.      Storm

3.      Norm

4.      Perform

B.     How to apply situational leadership to a group rather than an individual

1.      What it looks, feels and sounds like



XLV.         Situational leadership game

A.     The >Simulator=

1.      Save questions that they get a >0' on

a.      Explain why answers were incorrect


XLVI.        Course Evaluation and Wrap-up

A.     Final debrief regarding class

1.      Students= feelings regarding new responsibilities

2.      Key insight into the class

3.      Supervisory practices that the students plan to change