Professional Judgement


Course purpose: The purpose of this course is to provide the participant with effective methods of maintaining a professional and productive workplace through effective communication, healthy boundaries, the ability to resolve conflict constructively, identify cultural differences and understand the Department’s Policy of Equality.

Class registration, Introduction, and Course purpose/overview

  1. Workplace relationships
  1. Healthy vs. Unhealthy workplace relationships
    *Active Student Learning Activity
    Instructor will split students into groups to work on one of four topics: create a list of characteristics of harmonious workplace relationships, create a list of characteristics of conflictual workplace relationships, identify examples of toxic behaviors in the workplace, and identify how toxic behaviors can negatively affect workplace relationships. Each group with teach back to the class and the instructor will facilitate conversation around the answers provided, including alternatives to engaging in ineffective behaviors.
  1. Communication
  1. Assertive vs. Aggressive vs. Passive-Aggressive vs. Passive communication
    *Active Student Learning Activity
    Instructor will divide class into groups.  Each group will be provided Communication activity handout.  They will be instructed to identify a potential conflict and work together to come up with aggressive, passive-aggressive, passive, and assertive responses as well as possible consequences.
  2. Non-verbal communication
  3. Active Listening
  1. Boundaries
  1. Definition of boundaries
  2. Relevance of boundaries in workplace
  3. Types of boundaries
  4. Setting and maintaining healthy workplace boundaries
  1. Gossip/Rumors
  1. Definition of gossip and rumors
  2. Negative effects of rumors in the workplace
  1. Workplace Violence
  1. Hazing in the workplace
  2. Bullying in the workplace
  3. Negative effects of bullying/violence in the workplace
  1. Conflict Resolution
  1. Healthy vs. unhealthy conflict resolution
  2. Guidelines for effective conflict resolution
    *Active Student Learning Activity
    Class will be divided in 2 groups and asked to negotiate a hypothetical vignette practicing the various conflict resolution models presented, debriefed, and discussed.
  1. Cultural Awareness
  1. Definitions- stigma, discrimination, prejudge, cultural awareness
  2. Cultural misunderstandings
  3. Developing cultural awareness in the workplace
  1. Policy of Equity
    A.  Review of POE/protected classes
    B. Possible POE violations
    C. Skills to minimize/address problematic workplace behaviors
    *Active Student Learning Activity
    Instructor will break class into three groups and have each group work an assigned topic (1) Purpose of POE (2) Types of prohibited conduct according to the POE (3) Protected classes according to the POE. Each group will then teach back to the class. Instructors will have students work in small groups on activity aimed at integrating POE information and fostering insight regarding potential problematic behaviors.  Each group will be provided with a case example of potential situation/behaviors that may violate the POE.  Students will be asked to work together to evaluate the case example, identify if any POE violations have occurred and why.  Students will also be provided with opportunity to resolve potential problematic behaviors/conflicts utilizing effective/healthy concepts discussed in the course.

Course review, student questions, and ev