5-04/035.00 Mandatory Training on Mentally Ill Inmates

It is the mission of Custody Services Division to provide a secure, safe, and constitutionally managed jail environment for both staff and inmates. The prevention of inmate suicides and the recognition of mentally ill inmates is the responsibility of all custody staff. Custody Training and Standards Bureau (CTSB), in conjunction with Correctional Health Services (CHS), individual facilities and units, shall provide training on suicide prevention and various mental health topics to custody personnel working in Custody Services Division facilities.

Annual mandatory suicide prevention training is required for all deputies and custody assistants assigned to the Custody Services Division in order for personnel to learn to recognize behavior that may indicate an inmate needs emergent or non-emergent mental or medical health care, and to effectively interact with mentally ill inmates in crisis. The goal of this training is to prevent injury to an inmate in crisis by developing the employee's observational and verbal skills to recognize key actions and statements made by an inmate that may be indicative of mental illness. If an employee believes an inmate needs mental health services, the appropriate referrals shall be made.