5-03/060.15 Nasal Spray Administration for Suspected Overdoses

The deployment and administration of Naloxone Nasal Spray (Narcan) is authorized for trained personnel who suspect an opioid overdose or an exposure to Fentanyl/Carfentanil. Each custody facility and station jail shall be equipped with the nasal spray.


Training on the administration of the Naloxone Nasal Spray shall be facilitated by each facility’s respective training unit or through a course directly provided by Custody Training and Standards Bureau (CTSB). Two (2) packages of the Naloxone Nasal Spray shall be placed in each area’s Emergency Response Kit by the facility’s training unit. All requests for replacement of the Naloxone Nasal Sprays will be handled by each respective facility’s training unit, who shall be responsible for tracking and routinely inspecting each kit to ensure the sprays have not been removed and are not expired.

Facilities equipped with Contraband Watch Kits will ensure two (2) packages of the Naloxone Nasal Spray are contained inside the kit, which shall also be maintained by the respective facility’s training unit.


Prior to deploying the Naloxone Nasal Spray at a custody facility, custody personnel shall adhere to the procedures established in CDM section 5-03/060.00, "Response to Inmate Medical Emergencies," by immediately notifying the facility clinic and/or facility control via handheld radio broadcast of the healthcare emergency. After the scene has been secured and medical personnel have been requested, the handling deputy/custody assistant shall conduct an initial assessment of the inmate. If the inmate is unresponsive, custody personnel shall administer the Naloxone Nasal Spray. In cases where the inmate is found to be unresponsive, does not appear to be breathing, or lacks a pulse or other signs of circulation, custody personnel shall employ the AED. Custody personnel should not employ the AED if the inmate is conscious, breathing, or has a detectable pulse or other signs of circulation.


In all instances where the Naloxone Nasal Spray has been administered in any custody facility or station jail, including administration by medical personnel or inmates, custody personnel shall:

  • Verbally advise medical personnel what time the Naloxone Nasal Spray was administered and any change in the inmate’s condition;
  • Complete the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Custody NARCAN (Naloxone) Use Report electronic form, which can be accessed through the Los Angeles County intranet website. The form can be accessed under the “Web Applications” tab or through the following address: [REDACTED TEXT]
  • Complete an Inmate Injury/Illness Report (SH-J-212);
  • If necessary, such as in cases of death, attempted suicide, suspected crime, etc., complete an Incident Report (SH-R-49); and
  • Submit all paperwork to the respective watch sergeant for review/approval.