6-09/010.00 Care of Juveniles in Temporary Custody

Juveniles in non-secure custody are prohibited from coming into contact with adult inmates in a Department facility containing a jail or a lockup.  

Contact is defined as communications, whether verbal or visual, such as gang signs, or through continuous immediate physical presence, such as a juvenile sharing a cell with an adult inmate.  Juveniles arrested for 602 WIC crimes shall not be allowed to come into contact with juveniles in temporary custody held under the authority of Sections 300 or 601 WIC.

The following shall be made available to all juveniles held in temporary custody. Furthermore, upon entry, juveniles shall be informed in writing (Form SH-J-635, “Advisement to Juveniles Held in Temporary Custody”) of what is available under this section, and it shall be posted in at least one conspicuous place to which juveniles have access.

  • Juveniles shall be allowed reasonable access to toilets, washing facilities, and drinking water
  • Juveniles shall be provided with a snack if they have not eaten within four hours
  • Juveniles shall be provided with access to language services
  • Juveniles shall be provided with access to disability services
  • Juveniles shall be provided with sanitary napkins, panty liners, and tampons as requested
  • Juveniles shall be allowed privacy during visits with family, guardian, and/or attorney
  • Juveniles shall be allowed at least two completed telephone calls (one to their parent, guardian, or employer, and one to an attorney, per § 627 [b] WIC) no later than one hour after the juvenile has been taken into custody
  • Detention in the facility is not to exceed six hours
  • Juveniles shall have constant visual monitoring for the detection of signs indicating a possible suicide risk.  Some risks include but are not limited to, any expression of suicidal actions or thoughts, or any talk of suicide, or exhibits unusual behavior
  • Any juvenile considered a possible suicide risk shall be visually monitored and reported to the watch commander, he/she will determine whether it is appropriate to transport the juvenile to a contract mental facility for a 72 hour hold and observation
  • Juveniles shall be provided blankets and clothing (if necessary) to assure comfort, and permitted to retain or wear personal clothing unless their clothing is inadequate, presents a health problem, or is required as evidence. (Title 15, Section 1143)
  • Male and female juveniles shall not be placed in the same locked enclosure unless they are under constant visual observation by staff
  • All juveniles shall have a Los Angeles County Unified Arrestee Medical Screening Form completed
  • All intoxicated juveniles shall have the Intoxication Observation Sheet completed.  Any injury or illness requiring professional medical treatment shall be brought to the attention of the watch commander who will authorize paramedics, or authorize the juvenile to be transported to the appropriate medical facility
    • Medical clearance must be obtained prior to booking any juvenile who displays outward signs of intoxication or is known or suspected to have ingested any substance that could result in a medical emergency.  The Juvenile Hall Intake Unit will not accept intoxicated juveniles without a medical clearance.  The medical clearance information must accompany the juvenile when they are brought into the facility for booking purposes.  All medical bills incurred will be the responsibility of the parent and/or guardian
  • Supervision of the intoxicated juvenile includes personal observations no less than once every 15 minutes until resolution of the intoxicated state, with the actual time of each personal observation documented.  All juveniles detained while under the influence, shall be under direct and constant supervision
  • If it is determined that the juvenile is not adequately sobering up or is having increased difficulty, the juvenile shall be immediately re-evaluated by medical personnel
  • Juveniles shall not be subjected to any form of discipline or punishment.  Any juvenile warranting disciplinary action, depending on the severity of the offense, shall be additionally charged prior to release to a parent or guardian, or if applicable, transferred to the appropriate juvenile facility (after receiving clearance from the Intake Unit).  Reasonable force may be used when it is deemed necessary to overcome physical resistance by a juvenile in disobedience to a lawful order
  • Restraints, aside from the possible use of handcuffs within secure detention parameters, shall not be used.  The RIPP Hobble may be utilized for the purposes of transporting a combative juvenile, and in adherence with Department procedures