3-14/070.00 Fire Prevention and Suppression

Each unit commander shall develop and implement plans and procedures establishing standards for the prevention and suppression of fire in each Custody Division facility. These procedures shall include, but not be limited to the following: 

  • Means and adequacy of exiting the facility
  • The installation and maintenance of fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems, as required by local fire ordinance
  • The storage and handling of combustible or explosive materials and substances
  • The installation and maintenance of safe appliances, equipment, decorations, and furnishings that preclude chances of a fire, explosion, or panic hazard
  • During periods of remodeling or construction, each unit commander shall notify the responsible Fire Department if exits are blocked or restricted. Emergency plans shall be developed to circumvent these areas
  • A system for reporting fires to the Fire Department shall be developed which shall include the telephone number of responding fire units
  • Frequent inspection of jail keys and lock mechanisms to assure they will function properly during emergency situations
  • A fire prevention plan, coordinated with, and approved by, the responsible Fire Department, to be included as part of the unit manual
  • Monthly fire prevention inspections by facility staff
  • Regular fire prevention inspections by the Fire Department having jurisdiction
  • Records shall be maintained of all such inspections
  • Frequent fire drills and mock fire suppression exercises involving Custody personnel and the local Fire Department
  • A plan for the emergency housing and/or evacuation of inmates in case of fire