1-05/000.00 Manual Revisions, Additions, and Deletions

Proposed manual revisions, additions, and deletions are edited, processed, and published by the Custody Support Services Bureau (CSSB). Manual revisions shall be based upon draft copies received from the requestor or submitted by CSSB. Suggestions for any manual revisions shall be submitted on a SH-AD-32A from the CCSB unit commander to the Assistant Sheriff of Custody Operations. When proposing an addition and/or revision, the reason shall be clearly stated. 

Upon notification that a manual revision is required, CSSB shall assign a project identification number to the proposed revision. CSSB shall formally route the proposed revision to  affected Custody Services Division units and other entities, as appropriate, for review and comment to ensure accuracy and clarity. The proposed revision shall be returned to CSSB within 15 days unless an extension is granted. A second routing shall be conducted if substantive changes were requested during the first routing. 

The proposed manual revision shall then be routed formally through County Counsel, the Custody Services Division area commanders, the division chiefs, and the Assistant Sheriff for approval. Upon their concurrence and approval, the proposed manual revision shall be established and published as Division policy.

Electronic Publishing of Manual Revisions, Additions, and Deletions

All manual revisions shall be published by CSSB in the Policy Archival and Retrieval System (PARS) and disseminated to personnel via the Scheduling Management System (SMS) division briefing section. Additionally, CSSB shall send a copy of the approved revised policy to facility unit commanders, operations lieutenants, and operations sergeants via Departmental electronic mail and request its briefing to all concerned personnel.

If requested by any division chief, Custody Services Division units may be required to brief their personnel, complete training rosters, and retain the rosters at their respective facilities for a minimum of two (2) years.

Responsibility of Employees

Pursuant to the Manual of Policy and Procedures section 3-07/210.10, “System Use,” it is the responsibility of all employees to access and read their electronic mail on a daily basis. Additionally, it is the responsibility of personnel to understand policies that are distributed via electronic mail. Employees failing to understand the policy shall immediately contact their supervisor for clarification of the policy.