6-03/010.00 Booking and Property Record Form (SH-J-293)

The four-part Booking and Property Record Form (B&PR), or a Live Scan generated Booking and Property Record, shall be prepared by the arresting deputy/officer or station jailer when an arrestee is booked:

  • At a Sheriff’s station
  • Directly into LAC+USC Medical Center
  • Directly into IRC or CRDF

Either of the two booking slips shall be filled out completely, as indicated in MPP section 5-03/025.00, "Booking and Property Record Form (B&PR)," which shall include a general itemization of the arrestee's clothing and property. If a Live Scan generated B&PR is the only form used, the original copy must be signed by the inmate and stamped as the original. No other copies need to be signed.

Booking packets shall include:

  • Booking and Property Record Form (SH-J-293)
  • Additional Charge and Holds Record (SH-CR-435), if needed
  • Los Angeles County Unified Arrestee Medical Screening Form (SH-R-422)
  • Copy of the Warrant Information Sheet "WIS" for warrant bookings
  • Bail Deviation Form (SH-R-440) for all felonies
  • Arrested Person’s Children Form (SH-R-625)
  • Voluntary Delayed Release Form (SH-AD-692).
    • Complete Section 1- Inmate/Arrestee Information and Section 2- Request. In the event an inmate/arrestee refuses to sign or needs assistance completing the form, the watch sergeant and the Department member releasing the inmate/arrestee shall complete Section 2- Inmate/Arrestee Refusal to Sign.
  • Intoxication Observation Sheet (SH-R-445) for all suspects arrested for under the influence of alcohol/drugs
  • Citations for all misdemeanor arrests, which do not have a watch commander approved hold
  • Jail Orientation Form (SH-R-449), if not posted in the jail
  • Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Zero Tolerance Pamphlet (SH-J-478)
  • Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Comprehensive Inmate Education Form (SH-J-633)
  • Los Angeles County Foreign National Advisement Form (with fax confirmation)
  • Transmittal sheet (LASD/LAPD Transfer Record [SH-CR-275]) for all inmates transferred to the Inmate Reception Center or Century Regional Detention Facility
  • Probable Cause Declaration (PCD) for all open arrest charges

Document                                        Destination

Booking and Property Record Form (SH-J-293):

White copy                                        Sheriff’s Electronic Criminal Document Archives (SECDA)

Blue copy                                           URN File

Yellow copy                                       Inmate Property - SECDA

Pink copy                                           Inmate

Photo copy                                        SECDA

Photo copy                                        Jailers Record

Additional Charge and Holds Record Slip (SH-CR-435):

Yellow copy                                      SECDA

White copy                                         Jailer’s record

Goldenrod copy                                Inmate

Arrested Person’s Children Form (SH-R-625):

Original                                              Attach to B&PR

Photo copy                                        Attach to SH-R-49 if child present during time of arrest

Los Angeles County Unified Arrestee Medical Screening Form (SH-R-422):

Original                                              SECDA

Photo copy                                        Jailer’s record

If open charge                                   URN File

Warrant Abstract:

Original                                              Court of Origination

Photo copy                                        SECDA

Photo copy                                        Jailer’s Record

Photo copy                                        Inmate

Records Check                                 SECDA (Optional)

Personal History Index                    SECDA (Optional)

DMV Printout                                    SECDA (Optional)

Special Handling Card, if required:

Photo copy                                        Attach to transmittal

Photo copy                                        Jailer’s Record

Station Jail Inmate                           Jailer’s Record

Classification Questionnaire

Intoxication Observation Sheet (SH-R-445):

Original                                              URN File

Photo copy                                        Jailer’s Record

Juvenile Detention Form:              

Original                                              Jailer’s Record

Station Jail Orientation Form (SH-R-449):

Original                                              Jailer’s Record

PREA Zero Tolerance Pamphlet (SH-J-478):

Original                                              Inmate

PREA Comprehensive Inmate Education Form (SH-J-633):

Page 1 & 2                                         Inmate

Page 3 (Signature sheet)                   SECDA

Probable Cause Declaration:

Original (signed by judge)              SECDA (via secretariat)

Photo copy (signed by judge)        Court-TTCF-SECDA-URN File

Bail Deviation Form (SH-R-440:

Original                                              Court

Photo copy                                        SECDA

Photo copy                                        Jailer’s Record

Bail Receipt

(See Station Jail Manual, Chapter 11, “Inmate Release,” for distribution instructions)

Fingerprint Card                               Jailer’s Record

Fingerprint Return

Original                                              Detective Bureau

Photo copy                                        SECDA

Photo copy                                        Jailer’s Record

Los Angeles County Foreign National Arrest Advisement Form:

Original                                              SECDA

                                                           International Liaison Unit via fax