6-07/000.00 Count and Safety Checks

Each facility shall conduct count and safety checks of all inmates at irregular intervals and at specified locations as determined by each unit commander. Inmate safety checks shall be completed within the time interval assigned to the housing location, see CDM section 4-11/030.00, "Inmate Safety Checks. "Any discrepancies shall be resolved by the shift watch sergeant.


Jailers shall conduct a safety check of every inmate in the station jail and the inmate worker housing areas at least once every [REDACTED TEXT] minutes. Inmate workers shall be counted at least once on each shift. All count and safety checks shall be logged in the electronic-Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL).


The watch commander, or designee at the minimum rank of sergeant, shall visually observe all inmates and conduct a visual inspection of the jail area, including the booking cells, at least twice a shift. The checks shall be logged in the e-UDAL and the "Watch Commander's Log."


Personnel conducting safety checks, shall look at the inmate(s) for signs of life (e.g., breathing, talking, movement, etc.) and obvious signs of distress (e.g., bleeding, trauma, visible injury, choking, difficulty breathing, discomfort, etc.). Personnel shall conduct safety checks by looking into rooms/cells, visually inspecting each inmate, and inspecting the general area. If personnel observe any item (e.g., clothing, linen, papers, etc.) obstructing their view into the cell, the item(s) shall be removed immediately with officer safety in mind. Should there be any doubt regarding an inmate's condition, staff shall attempt to elicit a response from the inmate.


If unable to elicit a response from the inmate, the watch sergeant and paramedics shall be requested. The watch sergeant shall respond to the location. Personnel shall continue to elicit a response from the inmate and render first aid and/or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), if necessary, as described in CDM section 5-03/060.00, "Response to Inmate Medical Emergencies" until relieved by qualified medical personnel. Officer safety practices shall be observed at all times.




The handheld Title 15 barcode scanners shall be used to record safety checks. It is the responsibility of the person conducting inmate safety checks to ensure their information is entered in the Title 15 scanner. When not in use, the scanner shall be returned to its docking station. All barcodes within an occupied housing location shall be scanned during the safety checks regardless of whether inmates are present at the time of the check.


Once a barcode has been scanned, it is automatically recorded in the e-UDAL with the time, date, location, name, and employee number of the person who conducted the check. It is the responsibility of the person conducting safety checks to confirm all scans were recorded in the e-UDAL.


If the Title 15 scanner is not operational, or if the area being checked does not contain barcodes, a manual entry of the inmate safety check shall be documented in the "Additional Information" section of the uniform daily activity log (UDAL)/e-UDAL. Personnel conducting inmate safety checks and inmate counts shall document their checks/counts in the e-UDAL. The employee's name, employee number, and the times of the count and safety checks shall be documented in the e-UDAL. Personnel shall not record any count and safety check times other than the actual times of completion. For additional information or issues regarding the Title 15 scanner, see CDM section 4-11/030.05, "Title 15 Scanner."


If station jail personnel are unable to conduct a count and safety check, the watch sergeant shall be immediately notified and advised if assistance is required. The watch sergeant shall designate any qualified station personnel available to assist the jailer in the completion of count and safety checks.


If male and female inmates are in custody, either female station jail personnel or a matron and male station jail personnel shall conduct appropriate inspections and initial the Jail Inspection Record.


The assigning of inmate workers is delineated in CDM section 5-01/020.00, "Inmate Worker Assignments," as well as the Station Jail Manual.




Each inmate shall have a wristband secured to their left wrist. Inmate wristbands shall be inspected periodically. Care shall be taken to check for signs of fraying or tampering.


The wristband shall contain, but not be limited to, the following information:


  • inmate's last name;
  • inmate’s first name;
  • inmate's complete booking number.


Positive identification, by fingerprints or Live Scan, shall be established prior to re-banding an inmate under any of the following circumstances:


  • tampered and/or altered wristbands;
  • illegible wristbands;
  • loose, removed, or missing wristbands.


A more stringent unit order may be implemented at the discretion of the unit commander.