8-03/085.00 Grievances Received Through Independent Oversight Organizations

In order to objectively critique and review its effectiveness, the Sheriff’s Department receives direct independent oversight from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), and works closely with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for specified issues.  As part of this effort, the OIG and the ACLU are provided fair access to jail facilities, and direct communication with designated Sheriff’s Department personnel to convey inmate grievances and inmate requests for services.

Sheriff’s Department personnel shall be responsive to the OIG and ACLU by documenting inmate grievances, requests, and recommendations to their unit commander.


ACLU complaints or requests received and processed by Custody Support Services Bureau (CSSB) shall be initially reviewed by a CSSB supervisor upon receipt. Upon identifying any of the following types of requests or grievances, the supervisor shall promptly ensure a reference number is issued through the Custody Automated Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) and the respective requests or grievances are delivered to the watch commander of the respective facility:

  • Emergency grievances per section 8-03/010.00, "Emergency Grievances"
  • Grievances against staff as defined per section 8-03/040.00, “Grievances Against Staff”
  • Grievances alleging retaliation by staff per section 8-03/050.00, “Grievances of Retaliation”
  • Grievances with components related to Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). Refer to CDM sections 3-04/025.00, “Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003” and 8-3/060.00, "PREA-Related Grievances"

Remaining ACLU complaints shall be assigned for handling to the concerned facility’s Inmate Grievance Team.

With the exception of grievances received by CSSB, respective supervisors shall ensure all grievances from independent oversight organizations are documented on a Third-Party (Referred) Inmate Grievance Form (SH-J-438) in accordance with section 8-03/080.00, “Third Party (Referred) Grievances.”

In accordance with section 8-04/040.00, “Time Frames,” a grievance must be filed by the inmate, whether through an oversight organization or through the Department’s grievance collection process, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of the incident. Grievances against staff, including allegations of retaliation or use of force, must be filed within 30 days of the date of the incident. Refer to section 8-04/040.10, “Late Submissions,” for guidelines on the handling of grievances submitted beyond the specified time frames.

Within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Department’s receipt of the grievance from the concerned oversight organization, the handling sergeant shall ensure the grievance is investigated, resolved, and responded to, absent exceptional circumstances, which must be documented in accordance with sections 8-04/040.05, “Extensions,” and 8-04/010.00, “Dispositions, Interim Status Responses, and Inmate Notifications.” The handling sergeant shall ensure the inmate is notified of the disposition of the grievance in accordance with section 8-04/010.00.

Unit commanders shall ensure all requests, grievances, and recommendations by the OIG and ACLU are addressed, and communicated to the concerned Department executives when appropriate.

Grievances filed on behalf of the inmate through oversight organizations are subject to the same submission limits as delineated in CDM section 8-04/050.00, “Duplicate or Excessive Filings of Grievances and Appeals, and Restriction of Filing Privileges.”