4-01/020.05 Inmate Injury Illness Reporting

As delineated in Custody Division Manual section 5-03/050.00, “Access to Health Care,” all inmates have access to nurse clinic to present their health care requests and receive appropriate services for non-emergency illnesses or injuries. Inmates may also submit a written health care service request utilizing the health care grievance process, as delineated in CDM section 8-03/020.00, “Health Care Grievances.”

In the event an inmate complains of pain (e.g., dizziness, headache, stomach pain, vomiting, etc.) to custody personnel, or has a physical/visible injury, custody personnel shall notify Correctional Health Services (CHS) personnel. The inmate shall be assessed by CHS personnel as soon as possible. In addition, custody personnel shall complete the required documentation delineated below.

Note: Refer to CDM section 5-03/050.00, "Access to Health Care" for health care services procedures, including inmate refusals of health care services. If an inmate exhibits life threatening medical symptoms or injuries, medical personnel shall be summoned immediately. Refer to CDM section 5-03/060.00, "Response to Inmate Medical Emergencies.”


Electronic Daily Uniform Activity Log (e-UDAL)

Custody personnel shall document all inmate injuries/illnesses in the "Additional Information" section of the electronic-Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL), which shall include the following:

  • the inmate's name;
  • the inmate's booking number;
  • where the inmate was transported (i.e., clinic, urgent care, hospital, etc.);
  • the time the inmate was transported;
  • the nature of the injury/illness.

Example: Inmate Johnson (Bkg. # 4362432) was transported to the clinic at 1015 hours re: chest pain.

Inmate Injury/Illness Report (SH-J-212)

At no time shall the completion of the Inmate Injury/Illness Report delay emergent medical care.

Custody personnel shall complete an Inmate Injury/Illness Report when:

  • An inmate has sustained a physical/visible injury and requires medical treatment.
  • Medical personnel determines an inmate needs to be transported to an outside medical facility for further medical evaluation due to an illness or injury.

Note: Outside medical facilities may include [REDACTED TEXT], or any outside medical facility for urgent or emergency (non-appointment) care.


If an inmate with an injury was involved in a use of force with Department personnel, regardless of whether or not the inmate’s injury resulted from the use of force, a Use of Force - Medical Report (SH-J-212F) shall be completed in lieu of the Inmate Injury/Illness Report and included in the "Supervisor's Report, Use of Force" (SH-R-438-S) package. Refer to CDM section 5-03/060.00, “ Response to Inmate Medical Emergencies.”

A copy of the completed Inmate Injury/Illness Report or Use of Force-Medical Report shall be forwarded to the unit statistical coordinator. The unit statistical coordinator shall input the data from these reports into the Custody Automated Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS).