7-01/020.00 Authorized Use of Force

Department members are authorized to use the amount of force that is objectively reasonable to overcome resistance and shall only be used as a last resort. "Objectively reasonable" means that Department members shall evaluate each situation requiring the use of force in light of the known circumstances, including, but not limited to, the severity of the crime at issue, whether the suspect poses an immediate threat to the safety of the member or others, and whether the suspect is actively resisting, in determining the necessity for force and the appropriate level of force. If the level of resistance decreases and the incident de-escalates, the force must be terminated as soon as possible consistent with maintaining control of the situation.

Force may not be used as discipline, corporal punishment, or retaliation.

Department members retain the right to self-defense and have a duty to protect the lives of others. Department members may only use authorized weapons for which they have been trained to promote a safe and effective response to situations. If exigent circumstances exist, department members may use any available weapon or instrument to prevent imminent loss of life or serious bodily injury, if there are no reasonable alternatives.