4-10/040.00 Escape File

Custody Support Services Bureau (CSSB) shall conduct a review and maintain a file on all escapes effected from a Custody Operations facility or station jail. In addition to the escape report, the file shall include, but not be limited to the following: 

  • Name of the escapee
  • Booking number
  • Time of escape
  • Facility escaped from
  • Exact location from which the inmate escaped
  • Means of escape
  • Tools of escape
  • Outside assistance
  • Reason for escape
  • Policy issues
  • Training issues
  • Recommendations
  • Response(s) to the recommendations  

Watch Commander Responsibilities  

Watch commanders shall ensure that in addition to all other reporting requirements, an Inmate Escape Load Sheet (SH-J-435) is completed and forwarded to the facility statistical coordinator to ensure that pertinent data regarding the escape is collected and entered into the Custody Automated Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS).  

Unit Statistical Coordinators' Responsibility  

Upon receipt of an Inmate Escape Load Sheet, unit statistical coordinators shall enter all data from the load sheet into CARTS for data collection and analysis purposes.  

Unit Commander Responsibilities  

The unit commander from the affected facility, or a designee, shall notify the Inmate Reception Center (IRC) First Floor Main Control Desk Deputy when any person(s) escape from any Custody Operations facility or station jail. The unit commander or a designee is responsible for ensuring copies of the following items are fowarded to IRC: 

  • Copy of the inmate's relevant Automated Justice Information System (AJIS) printouts (including SI01, SI03, MC01, MC07, IC10, IC12, DA01)
  • Copy of all reports, memoranda, teletypes, etc., pertaining to the escape
  • Any available information on recent visits to the inmate
  • Copies of follow-up escape analysis reports  

Inmate Reception Center Responsibilities  

Upon notification of an escape, the IRC Main Control Desk Deputy shall notify the State Prison Desk in Document Control, who shall immediately forward the inmate's original booking jacket to the Fugitive Detail. A duplicate copy of the inmate's jacket shall be retained by the State Prison Desk. An alphabetical file on all persons who escape shall be maintained by the State Prison Desk.  

Each incident, by individual inmate, shall be maintained in a separate file jacket. The following information shall be placed into each file jacket: 

  • Copy of the inmate's relevant Automated Justice Information System (AJIS) printouts (including SI01, SI03, MC01, MC07, IC10, IC12, DA01)
  • Copy of all reports, memoranda, teletypes, etc., pertaining to the escape
  • Any available information on recent visits to the inmate
  • Bail shall be noted on a memorandum and placed in the file
  • Copies of follow-up escape analysis reports  

Retention of the Inmate Escape Load Sheet  

All completed Inmate Escape Load Sheets shall be maintained in a unit file for a period of two years. Inmate Escape Load Sheets are available in the Department Document Center (e-Forms).

Escapes Effected From a Courthouse or Court Transport

Inmate escapes effected from a courthouse or Court Services Transportation (CST) vehicle are handled by Court Services Division, in accordance with Court Services Division Manual (CSDM) sections 2-03/040.00, “Inmate Escape/Erroneous Release,” through 2-03/040.15, “Supervisor’s Responsibility,” and applicable Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) sections.

In the event an inmate escapes from a courthouse or CST vehicle, the CSD handling supervisor will notify the watch commander of the inmate’s housing facility and the concerned IRC supervisor, and ensure CSD-specific notifications and reports are completed for retention in CSD’s records.