4-01/025.05 Electronic Line Operations Tracking System (e-LOTS)

All custody facilities shall use the Electronic Line Operations Tracking System (e-LOTS) to record and track their Use of Force packages (SH-R-438), prevented uses of force, alleged use of force investigations, extended inquiries resulting from inmate grievances against staff, and compassionate releases of inmates. The e-LOTS application is capable of tracking many other administrative projects and unit commanders are encouraged to use these optional fields as well.

The entries made into e-LOTS will allow operations staff to track the progress of reports and ensure their projected due dates are met. The program also allows Custody Services Divisions Headquarters real-time access to the Divisions' administrative work.  The program is designed to adhere to departmental timelines with respect to specific types of administrative work (e.g., Use of Force packages are 30 days). Therefore, in order to maintain consistency, each unit commander shall ensure all necessary information is entered into e-LOTS prior to the end of the shift during which the incident occurred or was alleged.