6-02/030.00 Jailer

The jailer has the responsibility of ensuring the security and welfare of those confined to the station jail.

The jailer shall ensure all inmates, with the exception of inmates booked in for but not limited to a warrant or for 3056 PC, have a signed Probable Cause Declaration (PCD) prior to their 48th hour in custody, in accordance with SJM section 6-03/020.00, “Probable Cause Declarations (PCD).” On each shift, the jailer is responsible for processing and fingerprinting all incoming arrestees, and, when booking warrant arrests, adhering to procedures delineated in SJM section 6-03/000.00, “Policy and Procedures.”

The jailer shall ensure arrestees are afforded the mandated telephone calls, prepare transmittals for arrestees who require transportation, collect and process releases, collect DNA samples, and ensure that all booking packages are complete and accurate. Refer to station specific rules and procedures for showers, visiting, etc. The following is a generic example of the station jailer's responsibilities which include but are not limited to:

  • Brief the on-coming shift jailer, including a review of information from the previous shift regarding jailer keys, booking packets, all bookings Live Scanned and their property, all daily occurrences, including significant incidents (e.g. suicidal inmates pending transfer, medical transfers, special handles, 5150 WIC etc.)
  • Complete a new Station Inmate Inspection Record including the portion for inmate workers
  • Conduct a combined count and safety check of all inmates, every 30 minutes, for the duration of the shift in accordance with Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 4-11/030.00, “Inmate Safety Checks,” and SJM section 6-07/000.00, “Count and Safety Checks.” Suicidal inmates pending transport to the Inmate Reception center (IRC)/Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF) or LAC + USC Medical Center (LCMC) shall be under unobstructed visual observation or in a suicide-resistant location, and checked once every 15 minutes in accordance with Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 4-11/030.00, “Inmate Safety Checks.” 
  • Conduct a combined count and safety check of all inmate workers once per hour for the duration of the shift
  • Enter their name, employee number, and all other applicable information in the indicated fields of the e-Gatebook
  • Prepare the court list (some stations secretaries have this collateral)
  • Verify the court transmittals prepared by the EM jailer. Inspect all booking packages and ensure they are complete. All inmate property shall be transported with the inmate to court (excluding bulk property). Ensure that all inmate property is intact and confirm there is no money in the safe to be included in the property
  • Prepare inmates for court and assist transporting deputies with court line
  • Record the disposition of the inmates sent to court in the indicated field of the e-Gatebook and record the reduced count on the Station Inmate Inspection Record
  • Complete all transfer records for inmates sent to court or sent to a custody facility. Separate the transfer records by gender and destination
  • Contact the Superior Court Pretrial Services daily to provide them with a list of inmates qualified for bail reduction. Refer to station-specific plan regarding this procedure
  • Supervise the clean-up of the jail cells after court line is complete
  • Check the beverage (refrigerated drinks) and food temperature (hot meals only) and log them in the e-UDAL
  • Serve inmate meals
  • Ensure trash is picked up within a reasonable time (preferably 30-45 minutes) after meals are served.