7-01/050.00 Inmate Extractions

Inmate extractions are accomplished through planned force situations where it becomes necessary to remove an inmate who refuses to exit a confined area. A “confined area” is defined as any cell or secured area inside a housing facility structure in which the inmate can be secured, isolated, and controlled.

The goals of an inmate extraction are to restore order, maintain the security of the facility, and safely remove inmates (when necessary) using only the force reasonable to accomplish the objective. An inmate extraction should be employed only if objectively reasonable efforts, that do not include use of force, are unsuccessful.

Inmate extraction teams shall maintain a high level of proficiency through training. Recurrent training for inmate extraction teams shall include:

  • Use of force policies and related legal issues
  • The use of special weapons and related policies
  • The use of specialized equipment
  • Various tactical options
  • Team discipline and leadership
  • Handling and negotiating with all inmates including those with special needs
  • Collaborating with medical and mental health professionals to influence the most effective negotiation results