6-13/020.00 Inmate Worker Rules and Regulations


Inmate workers' conduct and actions shall not violate Department policy or threaten the safety of personnel.

Inmate workers are to be polite at all times, and address all station personnel by Officer, Deputy, Mr. or Mrs., etc.

Fraternization between an inmate worker and station personnel shall not be tolerated. Conversation between station personnel and inmate workers shall be limited to that necessary for the performance of inmate workers duties.

Business transactions shall be conducted with the consent of the unit commander. The following exceptions are permitted:

  • Car wash and polish
  • Tire change
  • Shoe shine

Inmate workers shall be expected to perform their assigned duties promptly and efficiently, and without constant supervision or reminders. Inmate workers shall keep their beds and living area clean and neat at all times.

Inmate workers shall not use or have any form of narcotics (4574 PC), or drugs (4573 PC), or alcohol (4573.5 PC).

Escape, (4532 PC) shall be the charge when an inmate worker leaves the property or confines of the facility to which he is assigned unless accompanied by Department personnel.

MPP section 3-01/030.51, "No Smoking Areas" and Section 2.126, LA Co. Code prohibits smoking in:

  • All areas so designated by Federal, State, or local statute
  • All portions of County-owned facilities
  • All portions of facilities leased by or from the County not open to the sky
  • All County vehicles
  • Any County Permittee vehicle when two or more persons are present and the vehicle is being operated pursuant to the Department’s Mileage Certification/Occasional Parking Permittee program

No gambling (including the possession of gambling paraphernalia) is permitted by inmate workers.

Inmate workers shall neither drive, nor shall they have keys in their possession for any county or privately owned vehicle.

Inmate workers shall remain clear of the booking area while inmates are being booked, are out of the booking cage, or when the booking door is open.

Inmate workers shall not converse with other inmates, or the public. Any questions are to be referred to station personnel.

Inmate workers shall not roam the station.

No in-coming telephone calls are allowed. Outgoing telephone calls will be made with the permission of, and at the discretion of the jailer.

Inmate workers shall bathe and shave daily, and keep their hair in a neat, well-groomed manner.

Inmate workers' clothing will consist of county issued yellow inmate uniforms clearly marked L.A. County Jail. Clothing shall be clean, and shirts tucked in.

Inmate workers shall be fed on the premises of the unit to which they are assigned. Emergent events wherein this must be violated shall be approved by the area commander.

No fighting, wrestling, or horseplay, racial friction, or derogatory language is allowed.

Noncompliance of any of the aforementioned rules and regulations shall result in the immediate return to a Type II facility and the necessary legal action taken.

Note: Refer to station-specific rules and regulations, and visiting procedures.


Inmate workers are assigned to work at stations for the purpose of performing certain maintenance and custodial duties. To assist in the supervision of these inmate workers and to standardize the regulations and procedures for all facilities, the following shall apply:

  • The workload shall be divided as equally as possible
  • Inmate workers shall be held responsible for duty assignments as well as other duties assigned in addition to normal work schedules
  • Newly assigned inmate workers shall be acquainted with the duties and regulations
  • The jailer shall inform all newly assigned inmate workers what is expected of them as far as their assigned duties are concerned
  • The newly assigned inmate worker shall be advised of the rules and regulations pertaining to their confinement at the facility. (Refer to station specific rules)

Chain of supervision, in descending order, shall be as follows:

  • Unit commander
  • Watch commander
  • Sergeant
  • Deputy
  • Custody Assistant
  • Law Enforcement Technician