6-09/130.00 Death of Juveniles While Detained

Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 4-10/050.00, "Inmate Deaths - Reporting and Review Process," applies to all inmate deaths that occur in Custody Operations jail facilities, or deaths of inmates who are under the purview of Custody Services Division, in Court Services Division lock-ups, Court Services Transportation vehicles, and the Patrol Operations Division station jails.

In addition to the procedures delineated in the above referenced policy, the station watch commander or designee shall notify the appropriate court of the death of the juvenile, and coordinate with Homicide Bureau a notification to the juvenile's parent, guardian, or person standing in loco parentis, in accordance with Title 15, Minimum Standards for Local Detention Facilities, sections 1046, "Death in Custody," and 1047, "Serious Illness or Injury of a Minor in an Adult Detention Facility."