6-09/090.00 Booking Juveniles at Jail Wards

All 16 and 17-year-old juveniles, who are in custody and in need of hospitalization, may be booked directly into the jail ward at LAC+USC Medical Center.

All juveniles under the age of 16 years require a juvenile court order before they can be booked into the jail ward.

Juveniles to be booked shall be brought directly to the jail ward and admitted there.

If the jail ward doctor approves admission, a booking number is obtained by the LAC+USC Medical Center personnel from the AJIS computer and flat fingerprint impressions placed on the reverse side of the original copy of the BP&R form.

If admission of the juvenile is not approved, the juvenile shall be taken to a juvenile facility and admitted there. A Juvenile Hall Entrance Record (76E608J) must be filled out on all juveniles who are admitted to LAC+USC Medical Center jail ward or open wards.

One copy of this form must be delivered to the receptionist at juvenile hall when the juvenile is transported to LAC+USC Medical Center. Generally, juvenile hall is notified and a probation officer responds and fills out the form and takes custody of the juvenile's property.


When a juvenile under the age of 16 years needs hospitalization and no juvenile court order exists, the juvenile shall be taken to the emergency room at LAC+USC Medical Center.

If the admitting room doctor approves admission, hospital forms shall be prepared, a patient file number issued and the juvenile placed in an open ward. When security is required, arrangements shall be made through the concerned station watch commander for posting a deputy in the ward until a court order is obtained. (Refer to MPP section 5-02/090.20, "Booking at Jail Wards" if a court order is obtained.) An Entrance Record and a PCD is taken to the Intake Detention Control at Eastlake Juvenile Hall.


Refer to MPP section 5-02/090.30, “Fingerprinting” for juvenile fingerprinting procedures.


Detained juveniles may be photographed if the investigating detective deems it necessary for identification or investigative purposes. If so, stations equipped with photographic equipment may take their own photos; or the detective shall send a JDIC request to Scientific Services Bureau, Latent Prints section, which will provide a print deputy to take photos of the juvenile. Include the name of the subject and file number in the request.

Juveniles should be fingerprinted and/or photographed before sending them to any juvenile facility. Police may fingerprint and photograph minors in juvenile hall.


If the detained juvenile is seriously injured or ill (serious illness or contagious disease), the juvenile shall be taken to LAC+USC Medical Center. Delinquent juveniles shall be handled according to the procedure outlined for booking at jail wards in MPP section 5-02/110.00, "Emergency Medical Treatment."

The consent of a parent or guardian is normally required before a doctor may medically treat a juvenile (any person under 18 years of age); however, a juvenile may give consent for his/her own treatment if the juvenile is emancipated, refer to MPP section 5-02/170.00, "Emancipated Minors."