6-06/000.00 Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral Report (SH-J-407)

All station personnel shall complete the first six sections of the BOMHR when they observe or become aware of (through a relative, clergy, inmate, etc.) information that indicates an arrestee has displayed obvious suicidal ideation or when the arrestee exhibits unusual behavior that clearly manifests self-injurious behavior or other clear indication of mental health crisis. The BOMHR shall be completed no later than end of shift.

The arrestee shall be transported to IRC/CRDF, or a medical facility as soon as practical. The watch commander shall be notified of the need to transport the arrestee, he/she shall arrange transportation through Court Services Transportation Bureau, and obtain an estimated time of arrival for the first available transportation. Alternate transportation shall be arranged if the arrestee's condition warrants any urgency. Additionally, the watch commander shall ensure that arrestees requiring transportation for evaluation by mental health staff are placed on a separate transmittal.

The watch commander shall ensure that the Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral report has been completed (Originating facilities shall retain a copy of the original Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral report), including section 8, "Review by Sworn Custody Supervisor at Initiating Facility," and that an electronic Special Handling Request has been completed, if required, and accompanies the inmate. Threats to commit suicide or feigned suicidal gestures under section 5, "Suicidal Assessment," requires a watch commander's review and signature.

The watch commander shall review and sign section 5, "Suicidal Assessment," and section 11, "Watch Commander's Review" of the Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral form.

Pending transport, such arrestee shall be under unobstructed visual observation, or in a suicidal resistant location with safety checks every 15 minutes. Inmate safety checks shall be logged in the e-Gatebook.

In cases of suicidal, dangerous or mentally ill inmates, an electronic Inmate Special Handling Request (SH-J-181) shall also be completed, (refer to CDM, section 5-01/050.00, "Handling of Suicidal Inmates," section 5-01/040.00, "Inmate Classification and Handling Requests," and 5-01/030.00, "Inmate Classification and Identification"). Station personnel shall ensure the original copy shall accompany the inmate upon transfer to IRC/CRDF and a copy shall be retained with the booking packet and station URN file. (Refer to CDM, section 4-05/000.00, "Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral Reports").


Outside police agencies shall complete the first six sections of the BOMHR when they observe or become aware of (through a relative, clergy, inmate, etc.) information that indicates an arrestee has displayed obvious suicidal ideation or when the arrestee exhibits unusual behavior that clearly manifests self-injurious behavior or other clear indication of mental health crisis.

A Department sworn supervisor may sign section eight, "Review by Sworn Custody Supervisor at Initiating Facility" in the absence of a supervisor from the arresting agency.