6-05/020.00 Injured Inmates

Any inmate who has either sustained or complains of a serious injury, to include the deliberate ingestion of drugs, whether inflicted at the time of arrest or prior thereto, shall not be booked into a station jail until he/she has been examined, treated, and approved for booking/housing at a station jail by medical authority.

Patrol deputies encountering comatose ("passed out") or unconscious persons shall request paramedics to have the individual transported to the nearest emergency hospital for medical examination. A comatose person shall not be transported to the station. If the medical authority determines that intoxication is the sole cause of the condition, the inmate may be booked at the station if:

  • The inmate regains consciousness and no obvious medical conditions exist
  • The medical evaluation form completed by the approving medical authority states that the inmate has been approved for booking
  • The elements necessary to establish a violation of Penal Code section 647(f) are present

Injuries sustained by inmates during the course of their booking or their subsequent station confinement shall be handled according to emergency medical procedures described below, and verbally reported to the watch commander forthwith. Concerned personnel will then be guided by the watch commander as to any written reports of the incident.

The watch commander shall be responsible for evaluating the situation to ensure appropriate action, such as requesting emergency medical services, transportation to a hospital, or transfer to a jail ward is taken. Inmates requiring close monitoring or medical care including follow up exam and/or medication shall be transferred to IRC or CRDF.

Any inmate with visible injuries or who complains of injuries, which were not medically treated prior to booking, shall receive medical treatment by paramedics or be transported to the local contract hospital for care. The medical clearance for the inmate to remain housed at the station shall be attached to the inmate's booking packet.