6-04/050.00 Special Handling Requests

Requests for special handling status shall be made in accordance with CDM section 5-01/040.00, “Inmate Classification and Handling Requests.” Special Handling status involves specific classification of an inmate based on distinct factors. These factors include, but are not limited to:

  • An inmate's past criminal history
  • Present criminal charges
  • Current medical condition
  • Suicide risk
  • Current and past mental history
  • Sexual orientation
  • Crime partners in custody
  • Escape risk
  • Propensity for violent behavior

To protect Department employees, personnel who process inmates, and inmates housed in the Los Angeles County jail system, the following procedures must be followed:

  • Requests to have inmates placed on special handling status shall be submitted using the Electronic Special Handling program. The requests shall be sent to the Population Management Bureau (PMB) Classification Unit for male inmates and CRDF Prisoner Personnel Office for female inmates. These units are responsible for maintaining inmate special handling files, and for disseminating information to concerned units regarding inmates who require a special handling classification
  • Telephonic requests will be accepted only from those units or agencies which do not have access to the Electronic Special Handling program. Any personnel receiving a special handling request shall refer the person submitting the request to IRC or CRDF for special handling disposition
  • A copy of the Inmate Special Handling Request shall accompany the inmate to IRC or CRDF.