6-04/020.00 Station Jail Inmate Classification Questionnaire (SH-R-456)

The classification questionnaire shall be completed by the jailer for every inmate housed at a station jail. The purpose of the classification questionnaire is to attempt to safely house inmates by utilizing a point system based on their charges, current behavior, and other miscellaneous classification criteria.

The procedures for classifying and segregating inmates shall be followed as standard practice. In times of emergency, or when the station jail has reached inmate capacity or is near, inmates of different point classifications may be housed together. The decision to house inmates of different point classifications shall be made with the approval of the watch commander. The security and welfare of all inmates shall be of paramount concern, therefore, integration of different point classifications shall be permitted only until space becomes available.


After completing the self-explanatory information section at the top of the form, the jailer shall continue with the classification of the inmate as follows:

Presently Being Held On

The jailer will determine which of the five categories corresponds with the charges for which the inmate is being held. For example, if an inmate was charged with burglary and assault with a deadly weapon, the points next to “Violent Felony” would be circled. The jailer should classify the inmate according to the charge that carries the highest amount of points, whether or not it is the primary charge. Also, points shall not be combined within this one category. For example, if the inmate was charged with carjacking (violent felony) and forgery (non-violent felony), the inmate would be classified using only the violent felony charge as it carries the higher amount of points.

Current Observable Behavior

In this category, the inmate is classified according to the behavior they are currently exhibiting.  If the inmate was arrested for fighting but is now passive and compliant, then the points for the “Passive and Compliant” category should be indicated.

Miscellaneous Special Handling Criteria

If more than one of the classifications in this category is attributable to the inmate, circle all that apply. The information in this category, as well as the "Classification Questions" category below, is designed to be determined by the inmate's verbal answer to these questions, as well as your observations.

Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) or State Parole

If the inmate is on DJJ or State Parole, circle the points for this category.

Noteworthy Arrests

Noteworthy arrests (celebrities, suspects in certain high profile cases [especially sex crimes against children], some public officials, etc.) shall be segregated or transported (with a completed electronic special handling request) to the appropriate facility for housing.

Escape or Attempted Escape

If there is knowledge that the inmate has escaped or attempted escape from a jail facility in the past, the inmate shall be segregated or transported (with a completed electronic special handling request) to the appropriate facility for housing.

Total Classification Points

Add the points that have been circled from the above described categories and place the total in the box.


Crime Partner(s) in Custody?

  • Check yes or no
  • If the arreste's crime partner is in custody, write his/her partner(s) name(s) and booking number(s) in the space provided

Gang Affiliation?

  • Check yes or no
  • If the arresting deputy has not already indicated so on the booking slip, ask the inmate if they have any gang affiliation If yes, write the name of the gang in the space provided

Is there any reason you cannot be housed with anyone?

  • Check yes or no
  • If there is any other reason(s) why this inmate should be segregated, write the reason(s) in the space provided

Is there any reason you cannot be housed in general population?

  • Check yes or no
  • If there is any other reason(s) why this inmate should be segregated, write the reason(s) in the space provided

Are you a member of the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, Intersex (LGBTI) community?

  • Check yes or no
  • If there is any other reason(s) why this inmate should be segregated, write the inmate's response in the space provided

All known LGBTI inmates shall be housed separately from the general population. The watch commander shall be notified when an inmate declares to be (or is perceived to be) of the LGBTI community. The watch commander shall make the decision to separate and relocate the inmate to IRC or CRDF (an electronic special handling request shall be submitted).

Based on all the information gathered, the total points, and the answers to the classification questions, the cell assignment (or transfer) can be determined.